
发布 2021-05-06 15:34:28 阅读 3988

机场。国际机场 international airport

国内机场 domestic airport


国际航班出港 international departure

已降落 landed

前往departure to

起飞时间 departure time

登机手续办理 check-in

登机 boarding

延误 delayed

登机牌boarding pass

报关海关 (customs)

申报declare 我想将xxx报关 i want to declare xxx

无须申报 nothing to declare

登机牌。旅客姓名 name of passenger

旅行经停地点 good for passage between

起点城市 from

起飞日期 date

起飞时间 time

机票确认 ticket confirm

登机口 gate

前往城市 to

航班号 flight no.

座舱等级 class

机座号 seat no.

吸烟坐位 smoking seat

非吸烟席 non-smoking seat

行李托运 行李牌 luggage tag


对话 请你把包打开 will you open the bags?

这些包都是你的吗 are these bags all you h**e?

你的物品报关了吗 do you h**e your customs declaration?

我没有需要报关的 no i don’t h**e

是的我已经报过了 yes i h**e already done



银行 bank

贵宾室 v. i. p. room

厕所 toilet; w. c; l**atories; rest room

男厕 men's; gent's; gentlemen's

女厕 women's; lady's

餐厅 restaurant

酒吧 bar

咖啡馆 coffee shop; café

免税店 duty-free shop

邮局 post office

钱币兑换处 cash

国际航班旅客 international passengers

中转 transfers

中转旅客 transfer passengers

过境 transit

购票处 ticket office

出租车乘车点 taxi pick-up point

大轿车乘车点 coach pick-up point

航空公司汽车服务处 airline coach service

公共汽车 bus; coach service

公用** public phone; telephone


安全带 seat belt

救生衣 life vest/jacket

上飞机询问座位 which way should i go?

如何打开阅读灯 can you tell me how to turn on the reading light?

要饮料 what kind of soft drinks(不含酒精饮料)/beer(啤酒)/wine(红酒)do you h**e

询问出关表如何填写 how do i fill out this form

姓 family name

名 first (given) name

性别 sex

男 male

女 female

国籍 nationality

国籍 country of citizenship

护照号 passport no.

原住地 country of origin (country where you live)

前往目的地国 destination country

登机城市 city where you boarded

签证签发地 city where visa was issued

签发日期 date issue

前往国家的住址 address while in

街道及门牌号 number and street

城市及国家 city and state

出生日期 date of birth (birth date)

年 year

月 month

日 day

职业 occupation

专业技术人员 professionals & technical

行政管理人员 administrators

办事员 clerk

商业人员 commerce (business people)

服务人员 service

农民 farmer

工人 worker

其他 others

无业 jobless

签名 signature

官方填写 official use only

出关。may i see your passport, please?


here is my passport / here it is.


where are you staying?


i will stay at xxx hotel / no, x, xxx street xxx city.

我将住在xxx饭店。 多少号什么街什么城市。

what’s your local phone number?


what’s the purpose of your visit?


sightseeing (business).


do you h**e a return ticket?


yes, here it is. /no i do not

有的,这就是回程机票。/ 不我没有

how long will you be staying here?


1 year.

一年。i plan to stay for about 10 days.


i’m just passing through.


how much money do you h**e with you?


i h**e 800 dollars.


good. h**e a nice day.


thank you.


谢谢!——thank you.

多谢!--thanks a lot.

对不起,麻烦你。——excuse me.

抱歉。——excuse the mess.

需要帮忙吗?--can i help you.

谢谢你的帮助。——thank you for helping me.

无论如何,我还要感谢你。——thanks, anyway.

您好。--how are you!

初次见面问好。——how do you do!

很高兴见到你。——it's) nice to meet you.

请问您从哪来。--where are you from?

请问贵姓。--can i h**e your name?

我叫。my name is ..i'm ..

很高兴认识你。——it was a pleasure meeting you.

很高兴见到你。——pleased to meet you.

希望再见到你。——hope to see you again.

这是不是说我以后可以再见到你?——does that mean that i can see you again?

玩得快乐--h**e a good time.

祝你好运。——good luck.

我希望没事。——i hope nothing is wrong.

怎么了?——what's the matter?

我真为你难过。——i'm sorry for you.

一路平安,走好。——h**e a safe trip home.


机场指示牌。飞机场。airport 方向。direction 入口。entry 出口。exit 上楼楼梯。stairs up 下楼楼梯。stairs down 楼梯。stairs 水平步道。moving walkway 向下自动扶梯。escalator down 向上自动扶梯。escalator u...


we re on arrival.马丁先生,我们到了。b lt s nice of you to see my off at the airport.thank youvery much.您真是太周到了,非常感谢您来机场送我。a we ll miss you.i hope we ll keep in...


机场常用英语。离港。departures 登机手续办理 check in 您要靠过道的位子还是要靠窗的?would you prefer an aisle seat or a window seat?do you want to sit by a window or by the aisle.do ...