
发布 2021-05-06 15:32:28 阅读 5632

机场+过关英语。txtboarding will start thirty minutes before departure, at 9:00 现在,请所有旅客登机。

now we’d like to bejin general boarding.


at this time we’d like to pre-board passangers in first class and business class,and

passengers with young children or those who need special assistance.请所有乘坐飞往北京的ca001次班机的旅客现在登机。

we are now boarding all passengers on flight ca001 to beijing.


a: your passpart, this one.

a: how long are you going to stay here?b: two weeks.

a: where are you going stay?b:

the hilton hotel in what will you do here?b: sight-seeing.

a: ok, you’re through now.


a: anything to declare?b: no, nothing.

a: what’s this? open this box, souvenir for my wife.

a: is liquor or cigarette here?

b: one bottle of whisky and cigarette one carton. is it taxable?a: no. it’s ok.


what a beautiful pacific place this is!多么美丽宁静的地方啊!

the mountains provide gorgeous views.绵延的山脉构成了一处处美丽的风景。i’ve never seen a waterfall like that before.

我从未见过那样的瀑布。it’s really a tourist attraction.这儿真是一个旅游胜地。

there’re many known historic sites around here.这儿附近有很多著名的历史遗迹。it’s very nice by the lake.


i felt as if i had been in a different world.我感觉置身于一个世外桃源。


visa officer: why do you want to go to i want to study for a doctorate.

visa officer: how long do you intend to stay in about two years.

visa officer: does your scholarship cover the whole two years?zhang: yes, it does.

visa officer: where will you live?

zhang: i hope to live on the university campus. i h**e a letter here from myprofessor about accommodation.

visa officer: may i h**e a look? officer:

is your family going with you?zhang: oh, no, i am going alone.


you’re the most beautiful woman i’ve ever seen.你是我见到过的最美的女人。i’m crazy for you.你使我发疯。

i’m infatuated with you.你使我神魂颠倒。i love you.我爱你。

i want to grow old together.我愿意和你白头到老。i’m deeply in love with you.我深深地爱着你。

i can’t help falling in love with you.我无法不爱你。you’re the one for me.

你是我的惟一。i’ll always love you.我会永远爱你。

beauty lies in lover 's eyes. /beauty is in the eye of beholder. /love is blind.情人眼里出西施。



机场英文。飞往北京的ca001次班机正在1号登机口登机。flight ca001 to beijing is now boarding at gate 1.飞机起飞前三十分钟即9 00开始登机。boarding will start thirty minutes before departure,a...


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