
发布 2021-05-06 14:48:28 阅读 8597




1. 主语+be / look+(really)+表语(褒义形容词)

it’s lovely! 真可爱!

you look great. 你看上很棒。

you look very smart. 你看上去很帅。

you really look beautiful today. 你今天真漂亮。

you look really wonderful in that blue skirt. 你穿这条蓝裙子真是好看极了。

your new tie looks very nice. 你的新领带看上去很漂亮。

your hair looks really good. 你的发式看起来漂亮。

your soup is really tasty. 你煮的汤味道很好。

your english is very good. 你的英语很不错。

2. i (really) like / love+宾语。

i really like your new house. 我的确喜欢的新房子。

i like your hair long. 你喜欢你留长发。

i really like your shirt. 我的确喜欢你的衬衫。

i like your car. 我喜欢你的汽车。

3. 主语+is+(really)+a+形容词(褒义形容词)+名词。

that’s a very nice jacket. (你)这茄克衫真漂亮。

that’s really a nice house. (你)这房子真好。

that’s a beautiful necklace. 这条项链真漂亮。

that’s a nice outfit. (你)这套衣服很好看。

that’s a very nice hair-style you’re wearing. 你的发型很美。

that’s really a beautiful car. 那真是一辆漂亮的汽车。

4. 感叹句:what a+形容词(褒义形容词)+名词!


what a wonderful garden you h**e! 你的花园多美呀!

what a beautiful blouse! 多漂亮的短衫!

how nice your bike is! 你的自行车真好看!

how lucky you are! 你真幸运!


well done. 干得不错。

you speak very good english. 你的英语说得真好。

the hat suits you very well. 这帽子你戴着很适合。

those are nice gloves you h**e on. 你戴的那副手套很漂亮。

值得一提的是,在经常用到的称赞语中,出现频率较高的常用词汇有形容词 nice, good, cute, great, pretty, beautiful, wonderful等;动词 like, love, be 等;以及副词 beautiful, wonderfully, well 等。


thanks. 谢谢。

thank you. 谢谢。

thank you for saying so. 谢谢你这样说。

it’s very kind of you to say so. 你这样说太好了。

that’s very kind of you. 谢谢你了。


oh, i’m flattered. 噢,过奖了。

oh, you flatter me. 噢,过奖了。


“不行,不行”或“**,**”。而在英语中,那是绝对不能用 no, no; just so so; not good. 之类的话来回答称赞的。

如:1. a: you speak very good english. 你的英语说得不错。b: thank you. 谢谢。(英美人的地道回答)

c: no, my english is poor. 不,我的英语还很差。(中文式的回答,不合习惯)

2. a: your soup is really tasty. 你煮的汤味道真是好极了。

b: thank you. i’m glad you like it. 谢谢,你喜欢吃我很高兴。(英美人的地道回答)

c: no, the soup isn’t good. 不,汤不好吃。(中文式的回答,不合习惯)

3. a: you look beautiful today. 你今天看起来真漂亮。

b: thank you. 谢谢。(英美人的地道回答)

c: i think you are mad. 恐怕你是疯了吧。(中文式的回答,不合习惯)

有这样一个笑话,据说有个中国学生,当一位英国朋友对他说 you speak very good english. 时,他套用中国的一句客套用语:“**,**”,于是回答说 where?

where? 结果弄得这个英国朋友莫名其妙。


1. 接受称赞:即愉快地接受对方的称赞 (通常是用感谢的方式作答):

a: your pronunciation is very good. 你的语音很好。

b: thank you. 谢谢。

a: the dish is tasty. 这道菜味道不错。

b: thank you. and i’m glad you like it. 谢谢,你喜欢吃我很高兴。

2. 回敬称赞:即一方面愉快地接受称赞,同时另一方面又用称赞来回敬对方:

a: you’re looking very smart today. 你今天真漂亮。

b: thank you. and you too. 谢谢,你也很漂亮。

a: i like your tie. 我喜欢你的领带。

b: thanks. i like yours too. 谢谢,我也喜欢你的。

3. 转移称赞:即对于对方的称赞既不接受,也不拒绝,而是将其转移到另外一个方面去:

a: what a beautiful necklace you h**e! 你这条项链真漂亮!

b: it was my grandmother’s. 这是我祖母的。

a: that’s a beautiful vase. 这个花瓶真漂亮。

b: it comes from japan. my husband went to japan on business last month.


4. 部分接受:即对于对方的称赞部分接受,同时也有部分不接受之意(通常用 but 之类的词转折):

a: your english is very good. 你的英语不错。

b: well, my speaking isn’t too bad, but i still h**e some problems with my listening. 嗯,我说得还可以,但听还有些问题。

5. 否定称赞:即对对方的称赞予以否定(直接或间接的否定):

a: you speak very good french. 你的法语说得很不错。

b: oh, i wish that were true. 哦,但愿如此。

a: that’s a nice hat. 你这顶帽子很好看。

b: what? are you joking? 什么? 你是在开玩笑吧?


1. a: hi, mary. you look really smart today. 你好,玛丽,你今天真的很漂亮。

b: thank you, jack. do you like my hat? 谢谢你,杰克。你喜欢我这顶帽子吗?

a: it suits you perfectly, i should say. 我认为再适合不过了。

b: yes, i think so too. as soon as i saw it in a shop the other day, i couldn’t help getting one immediately.


a: oh, you h**e excellent taste, mary. 噢,玛丽,你的鉴赏力真不错。

b: it’s very nice of you to say so, jack. 谢谢你这么说,杰克。

2. a: mmm. that was a delicious meal. 嗯,这可真是一顿美餐。

b: i’m so glad you enjoyed it, mr smith. 史密斯先生,你吃得满意我很高兴。

a: it certainly did. every dish was super and the tastiest i had ever had.


b: oh, i’m flattered, mr smith. 史密斯先生,你过奖了。


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