
发布 2021-05-06 13:29:28 阅读 5545


ruth: do you want to go with me to ellen robertson’s house?

jim:notonyourlife!afterherbeh**ioratmyparty,idon’tevenwantto see her again!

r: why not? what did she do that has you so up in arms?

j:well, noise.

r: why didn’t you ask everyone to quiet down?

j: i did! but every time i turned the music down, ellen walked over tothestereoandturnedthemusicup!

wheniaskedpeoplenottodance,sheeven said i was a terrible host. i was so fed up with her that i finallyshowed her to the door.

r: really? i never heard about all this.

when did it happen?j: last year, at my birthday party.

r: a year ago?! i think you should let bygones be oh, i suppose you’re right.



notesnot on your life决不。

an expression of definite refusal, certainly not坚决地回绝;当然不。

not on your life would i ever tr**el by airplane!我决不搭飞机旅游。

up in arms生气;激烈地**angry, ready to fight生气;预备打架。

the women were up in arms about the new antiabortion law.对于新制定的禁止堕胎法律,妇女们激烈地**。

quiet down安静下来lower the noise .那父亲要小孩子们安静下来,因为婴孩正在睡觉。

fed up with极厌恶。

h**ing had enough of something; disgusted or angered by某事物够糟了;因……而厌恶或发怒。

themaidwassolazy thattheyfinallygotfedupwithherand firedher.那女仆很懒惰,最后他们对她厌恶至极,便把她开除了。

show someone to the door将……赶出。

ask someone to le**e, kick out要求某人离开;逐出。

we were very embarrassed, but he stayed so long that we finally had toshow him to the door.


let bygones be bygones既往不咎。

forget about past wrongs遗忘过去的错误。

they decided to reconcile their differences and let bygones be bygones.他们决定和解他们的异议,且不再计较过去的事。


mobsters 匪徒 四海一家 江湖好汉 gr el pit 砾坑 采砾场 砾石坑 bite the bullet 非正式 咬紧牙关 忍受痛苦 咬子弹 咬紧子弹 顶住 my dogs are barking 我的脚都走疼了 affect v影响 侵袭 假装 使感染n.心 情感 数 偏差 effec...


be in the air将要发生的事情clear the air消除误会。cost an arm and a leg极其昂贵a bad egg缺乏道德的人in the bag稳操胜券。in the balance未知的,不可 的drive a hard bargain极力讨价还价ring a be...


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