
发布 2021-05-04 18:27:28 阅读 8674

lately, recently

两者都可作“不久,近来”解。recently可被very, just, quite, so, too等词前置修饰,并可以有比较级,而lately通常不能。英语倾向于把lately用于疑问句和否定句,recently用于肯定句。

例如:h**e you seen him lately? i h**en't seen him lately.

i h**e seen him recently.

late, lately

late迟,晚,lately最近,近来。例如:he was late for class again. i h**en't seen him lately.

like, as

like相似关系,但并不等同,as同一关系,两者实为一体。例如:don't treat me as a child. (in fact, i'm a child.)

like, love

表达感情,love要比like热烈得多,使用时注意分寸和场合。两者所修饰的副词也各不相同。like只能用very much修饰,love则用very much和deeply修饰。

例如:the boy is so obedient that i like him very much. 这孩子很听话,我很喜欢他。

the boy is so obedient that i deeply love him. 这孩子真听话,我真疼他。

likely, possible, probable

注意三者的句型:it is probably/likely/possible that…;it is likely/possible (for sb) to do sth. sb is likely to do sth.

例如:it is possible(有可能) but not probable (很可能)that it will rain before evening. 傍晚前可能下雨,但不见得会下。

living, alive, live, lively

living, alive, live均为“活着的”。alive多用于指人,强调虽有死的可能但仍然活着,在句子多作表语,也可用作后置定语或补语;living可用于指人或物,强调还活着,没有死,可作表语或定语,作定语时放在所修饰的名词前后均可;live主要用于指物,放在所修饰的名词前作定语;lively意为“生动活泼的”。例如:

at last we found him in a trap in the forest, still living but not alive.最后我们在森林里的陷阱里找到他的时候,他虽然还活着,但已是奄奄一息。is your father still living?

你父亲还健在吗?(不可用alive) the cat was playing with a live mouse.

loud, aloud, loudly

aloud常与read, think等动词连用,指不出声到出声,别人能听得见;aloud与cry, shout等连用,意为“大声地”; loud强调声音响亮,常用于speak, talk, sing, laugh等动词的后面,可与loudly通用,loudly比loud正式些,且多少含有“令人厌烦”的意味,loud有比较级louder。

many, much, a lot of

many修饰可数名词;much修饰不可数名词;a lot of既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词,但不用于否定句。例如:i h**en't many books.

missing, lost, gone

missing表示“丢失的,失踪的,缺掉的”可用作定语或表语;lost表达“丢失的,丧失的”,一般指失去的东西不宜找回,可作定语或表语;gone表示“不在,丢了”,只用作表语,不能作定语。when she found her necklace missing, she knew that the necklace was lost forever. 当她发现项链不见了便知道它再也找不着了。

where is my key? it is gone.

mistake, error, fault, shortcoming

mistake和error往往可以互换,但mistake较通俗。mistake往往指认识上的错误或粗心,error常意味着违反某一既定标准的错误;fault一般多指性格上的弱点或行为上的过失,shortcoming着重指一般的缺点,多用复数。he took my bag in error, while i took yours by mistake.

他不巧错拿了我的包,而我错拿了你的包。there is a lot of faults in your *****. 你的答卷上有许多错误。

despite all his shortcomings, he makes a good friend. 尽管他有那些缺点,但仍然可作一个好朋友。

more than a week, more than one week

more than a week一周多;more than one week超过一周(两周或三周等),作主语谓语用单数。

most, majority

majority只能修饰可数名词;most既可修饰可数也可修饰不可数名词。例如:the majority of children like sweets.

most children like sweets. the majority of people are against the plan. i mean, most of the people are against the plan.


next year, the next year

next year将来时间状语,the next year过去将来时间状语。he said he would go abroad the next year.

no more than, not more than

no more than = only, not any more than 意为“只,只有。不过,仅仅” 等。例如:

he is no more than a student.他只不过是个学生。it is no more than a beginning. 这仅仅时刻开端。

the car goes no faster than 50 miles per hour. 这汽车每小时行速不过50 英里。not more than = at most 意为“至多,不超过,不多于”等。

例如:i h**e not more than 10 yuan left in my pocket.我口袋里只剩下了10 块钱。

there are not more than 100 people in the hall. 大厅里最多有100 人。

no less than, not less than

no less than = just as many 意为“多达,有。之多,至少有。那样多, 和。

一样” 等。(有积极的意义)例如:there were no less than a thousand people at the meeting.

到会的有1000 人之多。(有“到会人多”的含义)not less than = as many as;more than 意为“不下雨,至少,也许不知”等。例如:

there were not less than a thousand people at the meeting. 到会的至少有1000人。(没有“到会人多”之意,也许超过)比较下列句子:

we bought no more than ten books last term. 我们上学期只买了十本书。(表示少的意思)we bought not more than ten books last term.

我们上学期买的书没有超过十本。(表示最多十本,也许不到十本)we bought no less than ten books last term. 我们上学期竟卖了十本书(卖了十本书之多)。

(表示夺得意思)we bought not less than ten books last term. 我们上学期至少卖了十本书。

no more...than, not more...than

no more...than = as little...as 意为“比。

更不,同。一样不” 两件事务比较时,同时否定两者。例如:

he is no more diligent than you. 他和你一样不用功。(否定两者。

即:两人都不用工)peter was no richer than his friend. 彼得并不比他的朋友更富有。

i could no more do that than you. 你不能做那件事我也不能做。 not more...

than = not so/as...as 意为“比不上。不及。


例如:he is not more diligent than you 他不如你用功。(即:

两人都用功,但你更用功)peter is not richer than his friend 彼得没有他的朋友更有钱。

no less...than, not less...than

no less...than = just as...as 意为“不次于,不下于,和。


he is no less clever than his brother. 他和他弟弟一样聪明。she is no less active than she used to be.

她和以前一样活跃。not less...than = as...

as or more 意为“不比。差”。两者比较时,其中一个“至少不必另一个差”例如:

he is not less clever than his brother. 他的聪明程度至少不必他弟弟差。(也许更聪明)比较下面句子:

this book is no more useful than that one. 这本书不必那本书有用。(两本都没有什么用)this book is not more useful than that one.

这本书不如那本书有用。(两本书都有用,但前者不如后者)this book is no less useful than that one. 这本书在使用上不次于那本。

(两本书都有用)this book is not less useful than that one. 这本书在使用上不必那本差。(也许更有用)


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