
发布 2021-05-04 00:21:28 阅读 5915



he may come along with some friends.


so on 等等,诸如此类(常用于口语,文章中最好用etc.)

the coats are red, pink, blue, yellow and so on.


we can’t answer for his actions.

you’ll h**e to answer for what you’ve done.

延伸记忆:answer back 顶嘴=talk back in answer to 作为回应。

tom got a surprise when he answered his teacher back.


but apart from that i don’t know exactly what i can do.

apart from english, he has a good command of russian and french.

延伸记忆:except,except for, besides的用法。

sb. for)因……而道歉。

he apologized to me for stepping on my foot.

about 就……议论,辩论……

it is useless to argue about it.

argue against 为反对……而辩论。

he argued against the five-day week.

argue for为赞成……而辩论。

he argued for the five-day week.

argue with和……辩论。

don’t argue with your mother.

argue sb. into说服某人做某事。

argue sb. out of 说服某人不做某事。

i argued her into buying a new car.

i tried to argue him out of le**ing his job.

in arm 臂挽臂。

i saw him walking arm in arm with a girl.


he arrive in beijing three days ago.

they arrived at their decision after three hours’ talk.

a matter of fact/ in fact 事实上,其实。

as a matter of fact, he can not do so.

as a result of由于……的结果(=because of)

as a result(相当于therefore)

as a result of a serious illness, she couldn’t move her left leg.

延伸记忆:辨别:result in和result from

因+result in +果果+reuslt from+因。

his hard work resulted in his success.

his success resulted from his hard work.

as a whole总体上,整个来说=on the whole

in general大致上,大体上(指说话者的看法)

as a whole, this article was well written.

his business was, on the whole,

far as 远至……,就……而论。

he walked as far as the foot of a mountain.

as far as i know, she is a lawyer.

as follows 如下的,如下(相当于adj.或adv.)

his explanation was as follows.

he exlpained it as follows.

as to 关于,至于。

most people like summer, but as to me, i like winter much better.

i’m terrible uncertain as to whether he is the right man for the job.

延伸记忆:as for 至于,就。。。而论。

as for me,i h**e nothing to complain of.

as if/though 好像,仿佛。

she looks as if she is going to cry.

she always talks to me as if she were my sister.

it is/was 事实上,照旧。

1)用在句首的as it is/was的前面一般要有一个与事实相反的情节,而用as it is/was来陈述事实情况时,译为事实上,实际上,实际情况是。

if jack were not ill,he would go to see the it is,he was to stay at home.

2)用在句末的as it is (照现在的样子)常常放在n.或代词后,it 便是替代前面单数名词或代词的,如前面的名词为复数形式,则用as they are

i like the house better as it is.

you should state the facts as they are.

延伸记忆:as it were 表示所说的话听起来并不那么肯定,其意义:可以说,似乎是,仿佛。

d**id is my best friend,my brother as it were.

long as 时间长达,只要(=so long as)

she lived abroad as long as 5 years.

i’ll lend it to you as/so long as you handle it with care.

soon as一……就。

come here as soon as you finish the work.

usual 像通常一样,照例。

the train is late us usual.

as well 也,还(同义词为:also, too)

as well as 与…一样好;又;不但…而且…

give me those as well.

she cooks as well as her mother does.

延伸记忆:as good as 几乎已经,实际已经。

for good (and all)永久地,永远地。

good and 非常。

he was good and tired.

15.ask for sb. 央求某人。

ask for sth. 请求某物。

ask sb. for sth. 向某人要某物。

ask sb. to do sth. 要某人做某事。

she asked for his advice.

don’t ask me for money.

i asked him to come out with me.

16. at a time 一次,每次;连续地,在某个时候(=at one time)

we can’t do two things at a time.


lose no time in doing sth.不失时机地做某事。

against time争分夺秒地,尽快地。

we must make every effort, race against time and overcome all difficulties.

at all times 无论何时,一直。

watch yourself, maintain humor at all times, and maintain the idea that you are evolving.

at any time 随时,在任何时候。

if you h**e any problems, please call us at any time.

at no time 决不,在任何时候都不。

at one time (过去)有个时期,一度,同时。

we were classmates at one time.

at times 有时。

ahead of time ,behind time

for the time being 暂时,目前。

we can do the work for the time being.

for the time being, we will h**e to use this tool .

all 竟然(用于肯定句中);一点也不(用于否定句中);到底,究竟(用于疑问句中);既然(用于条件句中)

i’m not hungry at all.

h**e you read any of the report at all?

i was surprised at his coming back at all ?

if you do it at all, do your best.

first最初,首先(往往和后来发生的事相反) at last 最后,终于。


accompany sb while sing 在某人唱歌时伴奏 a fraction of a portion of 一部分。account for 解释说明占据 all ears 全神贯注的听 by and large 大体大致上。at a loss 不知所措 as healthy as a f...


phrasal verbs prep.相当于及物动词,不可拆或漏缺 act on按 行动 pay for因。受到惩罚 为。付出代价。attend to关照。consist of由 组成。look into调查。add to增加。call on号召 拜访 某人 live on靠 为生。admit to...


a bit of 少量,一点 a great deal of 很多的 大量的。a great many许许多多 极多。a place of interest 名胜。a series of一连串的 一系列 一套。a variety of种类繁多的。a waste of time 浪费时间。accord...