英语口语学习 真正的日常口语

发布 2021-05-03 02:46:28 阅读 6454


it’s not my night.我今晚运气不好everything went wrong.一切都不对劲the manager’s a real ass.

经理是个混球what a lonely feeling!真感到凄凉this is insane.太疯狂了。

that gives me the chill.使我毛骨悚然it’s creepy.令人毛骨悚然。

it gives me the creeps.令人毛骨悚然carry on!加油,加把劲。

he sleeps pretty sound.他睡得很熟well?怎样,如何?

let’s just drop it.别提了that’ll explain it.难怪;怪不得that explains it.

难怪;怪不得any luck?得手了吗?成了吗?

no luck!没有。

i like it here.我喜欢这里i’ll take care of it.我来搞定。

you wouldn’tdare!你敢!i dare you!我向你挑战。

i couldn’t believe you did that!我不敢相信你真的做了!

jesus, it’s a massacre!天啊,一团混乱what’s the catch?买什么关子,有什么条件?

this can’t be happening!不可能的yes, it’s happening.但确实发生了i’ll try not to.

我尽量不要这样you’re scaring me.你吓到我了it’s scary!真恐怖!

he must be close by.他一定在附近what does it prove?这证明了什么?

you’re never to talk about this.你不应该谈论此事。

i’m so sick of these people.这些人令我呕心it doesn’t matter.没关系,不重要don’t be ridiculous!

别开玩笑了!how’s that?怎么会?

we’re going to work it out.我们总会想办法的,总会解决问题的。

dad always had the final say.决定权在爸爸。

we’ll see what he’s got to say.我们看看他有什么话要说。

they’ll fetch you.他们会帮你拿来i’m a wreck now.我累死了。

he’s the best friend i ever had.他是我这辈子最要好的朋友。

he spoke up for me.他挺身为我说话。

i couldn’t get (catch) my breath.我喘不过气来no work, no food, no buck.一无所有don’t you worry!


you’ve slept clock around.你已经睡了一整天了what’s the rush?急什么?

we’ve got a stiff / body upstairs.楼上有一具尸体。

are you saying it’s an inside job?你是说这是内贼干的?

you just stopped by to see me?你只是顺道来看我?i’d better be going.我该走了。

do you h**e the idea what time it is?你知道现在几点了?

kiss your ass good-bye!滚你的蛋!

he seems to be attracted to you.他好像对妳有好。

感。nice meeting you.很高兴认识你。

英语口语学习 真正的日常口语

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