日常英语口语 餐馆就餐

发布 2021-05-03 02:45:28 阅读 7803



i'd like to make a reservation.还有空座位吗?

do you h**e any places **ailable?请找一张四人用的桌子。a table for four please.

能把菜单给我看看吗?may i h**e the menu?我待一会再点。

i need few more minutes to decide.我们准备点菜了。

we're ready to order.我不喜欢吃辣味。

i don't like spicy food.我点的牛排要全熟的。

i 'd like my steak well-done.这道菜请不要放洋葱。

i'd like it done without onion please.给我账单好吗?

may i h**e the check please?我来付钱。it's on me.我请客。be my guest.【篇二】

good evening. do you h**e a reservation?晚上好。有预订吗?

yes. we've got a reservation. the name is ann.是。预订好了。名字叫安。

order now?


here is the menu.这是菜单。thank you.谢谢。【篇三】

excuse me, i'd like to try some chinese food.对不起,我想尝尝中餐。

we serve excellent chinese food. which style do you prefer?



it'sdividedinto8bigcuisinessuchascantonesefood,shandongfood,sichuan food, etc.

分为粤菜、山东菜、四川菜等八大菜系。is there any difference?有什么不同吗?

yes, cantonese food is lighter while shandong food is he**ier andspicy.

是的,广东菜要轻一点,山东菜要重辣。how about sichuan food?四川菜怎么样?

most sichuan dishes are spicy and hot. they taste differently.大多数四川菜又辣。味道不同。

oh, really? i like hot food. so what is your recommendation for me?


ithinkmapo,beancurry,.weh**easichuan go there? it's on the 3rd floor.

我认为麻婆、咖喱、肉丝和辣酱是非常特别和美味的。我们有一间四川餐厅。我可以建议你去那里吗?在三楼。thank you.谢谢。

my pleasure.这是我的荣幸。

英语口语 日常英语口语

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