
发布 2021-05-02 23:45:28 阅读 1176


您能说慢一点儿吗? please speak a little more slowly.

would you slow down, please?

我听不清楚。i can't hear you very well.

are you free tomorrow? (明天有空吗?)

i can barely hear you. (我一点儿都听不见。)

i'm h**ing trouble hearing you. (我听不太清楚。)

**线好像有毛病。we h**e a bad connection.

this is a really bad line.

您能再大点儿声吗? could you speak up, please?

please speak a little louder.

would you speak up a little, please?

串线了。the lines are crossed.

line是指telephone line "**线",cross "交叉"、"干扰"。

the lines must be crossed. (肯定是串线了。)

对不起,让您久等了。i'm sorry to h**e kept you waiting.

that's okay. (没关系。)

i'm sorry for the delay. (对不起,我来晚了。)

sorry to h**e kept you waiting. (抱歉,让您久等了。)

谢谢您等我。thank you for waiting.

你给我的**号码是错的。you g**e me the wrong number.

the number you g**e me was wrong.


今天几号? what's today's date?

fill out the form. (请填这张表。)

what's today's date? (今天几号?)

it's the tenth. (今天10号。)

what date is it today?

what's the date?

what's the date today?

8月13日。it's august thirteenth.


it's the thirteenth of august.

今天星期几? what day is it?

what's today's date?表示问几号;what day is it?表示问星期几。

what day is it? (今天星期几?)

it's friday. (星期五。)

星期四。it's thursday.

现在几点? do you h**e the time?


what time is it now?

h**e you got the time?

what time h**e you got?

may i ask the time? (我可以问您现在几点吗?)

could you tell me what time is it now? (您能告诉我现在几点吗?)

快到中午了。it's almost noon.


现在1点钟了。it's one o'clock.

1点45分。it's a quarter to two.

a quarter是四分之一的意思,在这儿是60分钟的四分之一的意思,即钟。另外,这里的to是表示“~前”的意思,即“差15分2点”。

it's 1∶45./it's one forty-five.

it's a quarter of two.

it's a quarter till two.

1点5分。it's five after one.

it's five past one.

it's five minutes after one o'clock.


the clock says 3∶15 (three fifteen).

it's 3∶15.(现在3点15分。)

my watch says 3∶15.


3点15分。it's a quarter after three.

it's a quarter past three.

差10分2点。it's ten to two.

it's 1∶50 (one fifty).

9点半。it's nine thirty.

it's half past nine.

那只表慢5分钟。the clock is five minutes slow.15分。

thanks for telling me. (谢谢你告诉我。)

the clock is five minutes behind.

the clock is five minutes fast. (那表快5分钟。)

该走了。well, time to go.

well, it's time to le**e now.

大约什么时候? about when?

大约几点? about what time?

还来得及吗? how's the time?


how are we doing for time?

what's the time like? (时间怎么样?)

我没有时间。i h**e no time.

i'm really busy now. (我现在真的很忙。)

i don't h**e time.

i h**en't got time.

i don't h**e any time.

你得再等5天。you must wait for five more days.

five more days to go. (再等5天吧。)

only five days left. (只剩下5天了。)

怎么花那么长时间? what is taking so long?

why is it so time-consuming?

白白浪费了一整天。i wasted a whole day.

i wasted my whole day (away).

到时间了。time has come.

时间就是金钱。time is money.


time is golden.

time is precious.

我看了两个小时的电视以打发时间。i killed two hours watching tv.

没有时间了。time is up.

there's no time left.

你有空闲的时间吗? do you h**e some free time?

are you free now?

are you **ailable now?

我看时间差不多了。it's about time.

about time表示“终于”、“觉得差不多了”。

电脑能帮我们省时间。computers s**e us time.

computers are efficient.


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