
发布 2021-05-01 11:12:28 阅读 1707


an /[n/ all /r:l/ and /nd/ at /t/ ask / b:sk║sk/

back /bk/ bad /bd/ bag /bɡ/ ball /br:l/ be /bi:/

bed /bed/ big /biɡ/ bike /baik/ bird /b\:d/ black /blk/

blouse /blajz║blajs/ blue /blu:/ boat/b[jt/ book /bjk/

box /bdks/ boy /bri/ bus /bлs/ but /bлt/ broom /bru:m/

cake /keik/ call /kr:l/ can /kn/ cap /kp/ car /kb:/

cat /kt/ chair /tfe[/ class /klb:s║kls/ clean /kli:n/

clock/kldk/ close /kl[jz/ coa /k[jt/ come /kлm/ cup /kлp/

step 3: 单词拼读练习。

a /ei/ a. m. /ei 'em/ are /b: /be /bi:/ bus /bλs/ art /b:t/ buy /bai/

big /biɡ/ aunt /b:nt/ last /lb:st/ book/bjk/ any /'eni/ after/'b:ft[/

answer /'b:ns[/ beautiful /'bju:tifl/

cake /keik/ car /kb:/ card /kb:d/ come /kλm/ day /dei/ color /kλl[/

desk /desk/ does /dλz/ duck /dλk/ clean /kli:n/ class /klb:s/ climb /klaim/

cousin /'kλzn/ dinner /'din[/ chicken /'tfikin/ classmate/'klb:smeit/

each /i:tf/ eat /i:t/ eight / eit/ e-mail /'i:meil/ feed /fi:d/ feel /fi:l/

fifty /'fifti/ fine /fain/ five /faiv/ fly /flai/ game /ɡeim/ garden/'ɡb:dn/

gate /ɡeit/ get /ɡet/ up /λp/ glasses /ɡlb:siz/

注意/h/ 的发音要领。)

half /hb:f/ he /hi:/ help /help/ helpful /helpfl/ hi /hai/ hill /hil/ his /hiz/

many /'meni/ see /si:/ in /in/ middle /'midl/ internet /'int[net/ is /iz/

it /it/ kite /kait/ lake /leik/ late /leit/ later /'leit[/ left /left/ lesson /'lesn/

let /let/ light /lait/ like /laik/ listen /'lisn/ lovely /'lλvli/lunchtime /'lλntftaim/

me /mi:/ milk /milk/ mine /main/ miss /mis/ monday /'mλndi/ mrs /'misiz/

mum /mλm/ music /'m ju:zik/ must /mλst/ my /mai/ name /neim/ need /ni:d/

new /nju:/ news***** /'nju:zpeip[/ nice /nais/ nine /nain/ number /'nλmb[/

park /pb:k/ party /'pb:ti/ pen /pen/ pencil /'pensl/ pet /pet/ pick /pik/

place /pleis/ plane / plein/ play/plei/ please /pli:z/ put /pjt/ seven /'sevn/

sign /sain/ sister /'sist[/ sit /sit/ six /siks/ slim /slim/ some /sλm/ supper /'sλp[/

sweater /'swet[/ swim /swim/ table /'teibl/ take /teik/ teacher /'ti:tf[/ tell /tel/

ten /ten/ very /'veri/ visit /'vizit/ wait /weit/ we /wi:/ why /wai/

如为了巩固/ei/, i:/,ai/的发音,可利用下面这个材料让学生吟诵。

ei/ name, name, what’s your name?

game, game, let’s play a game.

lake, lake, this is a lake.

plane, plane, is that a plane?

grade, grade, i’m in grade one.

make, make, i can make a ***** plane.

i:/ you see, i’m a little bee. flying over the tree.

when you eat sweets with tea, don’t forget me, don’t forget me.

ai/ sleep at night, i dno’t know why.

say “good night”, it is polite.

in the morning light, to do what is right, with all your might.


二。 找出画线部分读音不同的单词(每题2分,共20分)

) 1. a. tea b. meat c. weather d. beach

) 2. a. back b. fast c. h**e d. map

) 3. a. warm b. garden c. market d. party

) 4. a. school b. tooth c. choose d. good

) 5. a. book b. moody c. look d. cook

) 6. a. june b. ruler c. put d. menu

) 7. a. push b. fun c. sun d. ugly

) 8. a. tiger b. her c. officer d. over

) 9. a. go b. no c. cold d. hot

) like b. lion c. pizza d. friday







) 1. listing 读成 [listin].

) 2. yes 读成 [jes].

) 3. wash 读成 [wa:∫]

) 4. mind 读成 [maid].

) 5. change 读成 [t∫ein d ].

) 6. tests 读成 [tests].

二。 找出画线部分读音不同的单词(每题2分,共20分)

c ) 1. a. tea b. meat c. weather d. beach

b ) 2. a. back b. fast c. h**e d. map

c ) 3. a. warm b. garden c. market d. party

d ) 4. a. school b. tooth c. choose d. good

a ) 5. a. book b. moody c. look d. cook

a ) 6. a. june b. ruler c. put d. menu

a ) 7. a. push b. fun c. sun d. ugly

c ) 8. a. tiger b. her c. officer d. over

d ) 9. a. go b. no c. cold d. hot

c ) like b. lion c. pizza d. friday







错 ) 1. listing 读成 [listin].

对 ) 2. yes 读成 [jes].

错 ) 3. wash 读成 [wa:∫]

错 ) 4. mind 读成 [maid].

错 ) 5. change 读成 [t∫ein d ].

对 ) 6. tests 读成 [tests].


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能力able bl 诶 波我。接受,接纳 acceptance k septns 儿克 色扑 疼死。意外遭遇,事故accident ksidnt 啊克 岁 等特。准确 性 accuracy kjursi 啊 扣儿 锐岁。谴责accusation kju zein 啊 扣 最 新。成就,成绩 achi...


一 辅音字母的读音规则。在字母e,i,y前读 s 如cell,city,cyst 其余情况下读 k 如cat,club,code.在字母e,i,y前读 如gene,gin,gym 其余情况下读 g 如beg,golf,多数情况下读 s 如six,desk,yes 有时读 z 如is,his,visi...