
发布 2021-05-01 11:10:28 阅读 7978

卷心菜) will keep me healthy.

h**e a蛋糕). do you want some?

please称呼) me bill.

is a film照相机).

5. let’s gov.露营).

i don’t h**e enough money for summern.露营). 能;会) speak both french and japanese.

can go to加拿大) next year.

8. don’t eat too much糖果).

___帽子) is black.

10. beijing is the首都;省会) of china.

usually go to school by___小汽车).

i send him a___卡片)? let me show you some纸牌)games.

13. it doesn’t matter. i don’t对…在意) if you go or not.

14. be小心的;仔细的) with the knife, or you will __割;切;削)yourself.

15. he is always losing things because he is粗心的;疏忽的).

16. mum is cutting up the胡萝卜).

17. do you always携带) an umbrella?

i’m strong. i can搬运) the fruits.

猫) catches mice.

19. quick捕获) that man! he has taken my bag.

i had to run to赶上(车船等)) the bus. (过去式: 过去分词:

dog ran into the road andv.造成) an accident.

this is hisn.原因) of anger.

21. tokyo is in the**;中心) of japan.

are living in the 21st世纪).

is无疑的) that he is honest,the fact is确实的).

hope there are enough椅子) for everyone to sit down.

give you one more机会) to try.

weather变化) suddenly last night.

had an. 聊天) with her. we oftenv.聊天) together.

will buy it, dear or便宜的).

teacher核对;检查 )that everyone was in the classroom.

great欢呼;喝彩) went up from the crowd. 观众爆发出一阵热烈的欢呼声。

has干酪;奶酪) and tomato on her sandwich today.

is good at化学). 科目:

like playing国际象棋) with my grandfather.

like eating鸡肉),but i’m afraid of鸡).

are 40孩子) in our class. 单数: 复数:

from中国), and i can speak中文) and english.

gives me a bar of巧克力).

may选择) anything you like. (过去式过去分词:

圣诞节)!are many large教堂) in britain.

on at the电影院) today?

has large圈子;阶层)of friends.

live in the same城市).

and henry are in the same___班级).

boys in this picture are my同学).

打扫)the教室)every day, and we should keep it___干净的).

47. we could see fish in the清澈的)water..

did i make it清楚的)?

is a very聪明的;机灵的) boy.

mother told him not to爬)trees.

闹钟) tells us what time it is.

51关闭) the door, please.

ben is a亲近的) friend of mine.

always wash the衣服) on monday.

sky is covered with云the sky is becoming多云的).

54. i can paint. i want to join the art俱乐部;社团).

is a football教练).he likes tr**eling by长途汽车).

i take your外套)?

57. everyone likes to drink coca可乐).

feel __寒冷的), maybe i h**e a感冒). 疾病:

like to收集)stamps.

brother is in学院;专科学校)now.

is the___颜色) of grass and le**es.

来;到来) after winter.


is a very famous公司).

you比较) british football with american football, you’ll find many differences.


can’t make完整的) sentences. h**e youv.完成)your work?

like to play电脑) games on weekends.

you want to go to the**会) with me tonight?

can’t把…联系起来;连接) the two things in my mind.

will继续) all day.

is a very good___n.厨师), she___v.煮) delicious food for us every day.

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