
发布 2021-05-01 08:53:28 阅读 8192







二、请选出可以替换句中划线部分的选项。(每小题2 分,共16分)

1. jenny wants to order some french fries.

a. would like d. enjoys

2. excuse me . is there a library near here ?

a. next to here the neighborhood d. in the neighborhood

uncle mark is kind of he**y .

a. a little bit d. a bit of

go to the zoo to see the dolphin show.

a. look d. sound

do you get to beijing ?

a. arrive in on d. get up

6. in china , most students needn’t go to school on weekend.

a. friday afternoon

and sunday d. school day,dick ! let’s h**e a look at this computer game.

a look at a look at

a look at d. get a look at

mother often takes the bus to work.

a. goes to work by bus a bus to work

on the bus d. works for the bus


oranges are orange,i like them very much.

a.橙子 b.橙汁 c.橙色的 d.橙皮。

2. look at these childrens, they are lovely .

a.小鸡 b.鸡肉 c.公鸡 d.炸鸡。

always h**e a conversation with our teacher.

a.休息 b.谈话 c.实验 d.测验。

can post your letters from monday to friday.

a.传送 b.发送 c.收取 d.邮寄。

is surprised that i can play the violin well .

a.高兴的 b.妒忌的 c.惊奇的 d.伤心的。

is really a yes-man and nobody likes him.

a.唯唯诺诺的人 b.说一不二的人。

c.实事求是的人 d.脚踏实地的人。

often does bad things, people all think he is a black sheep.

a.黑马王子 b.人中之龙 c.黑色绵羊 d.害群之马。

8.-mum, do you love ?

of course, my son . you are the apple of my eye.

a.眼中苹果 b.掌上明珠 c.亲生骨肉 d.眼中钉。

9.-i want a large hamburger and a large coke .

ok. is that for here or to go?

a.餐厅就餐 b.中式快餐 c.餐厅外卖 d.烛光晚餐。

10.-kate, do you h**e a ball at your birthday party?

yes, of course .

a.参加舞会 b.过的愉快 c.邀请朋友 d.得到礼物。





4、 请写出10个国家的名称(10分)

五、单词拼写。(每空一词,每小题1 分,共10分)

there any词典) in the bag?

同班同学)often help me with my english.

can play basketball very好).we all like him.

are等待)for a bus over there.

hard工作),he doesn’t like it.

you like to tell the children some interesting故事)?

h**e great fun玩)in the park.

for参加)my birthday party.

little brother is a十三岁的)child.

别的)sports do you like?


初一学期计划 上学期 一 学校体育教学目的和任务。二 基本体操 第八套广播体操及素质 速度。三 篮球 熟悉球性练习 原地运球素质 腹肌力量。四 篮球 基本站立姿势 移动及行进间运球素质 上肢力量。五 篮球 原地双手胸前传接球 原地双手胸前投篮素质 弹跳。六 篮球 行进间运球 原地双手胸前投篮素质 上...


1 选择题 本大题共有5小题,共15分,以下各题都有四个选项,其中只有一个是正确的 1 在下列四个汽车标志图案中,能用平移变换来分析其形成过程的图案是。2 下列计算正确的是 a a 2a2 3a2b a8 a2 a4 c a3 a2 a6 d a3 2 a6 3 下列等式由左边到右边的变形中,属于因...

