英语I 1 复习

发布 2021-04-27 20:41:28 阅读 8514



1-5 阅读下面得小对话,判断答语是否正确.正确选a,不恰当的选b.

1. how old is the manager?

he is 35years.

a. right b. wrong答案 a

2. what do they do? they work in a bank.

a. right b. wrong 答案 a

you like some crisps? no, i’m sorry.

a. right b. wrong 答案 b

much does the flat cost a month? it’s on the tenth floor.

a. right b. wrong 答案 b

5. could you sign the register, please? of course.

a. right b. wrong 答案 a

第三部分句型转换 26-30小题将下列句子改写成一般疑问句.

26.he is a manager答案: is he a manager?

27. she usually goes to work by busdoes she usually go to work by bus?

are fifty students in the classare there fifty students in the class?

h**e a large househ**e they a large house?

30. he is currently working on tv advertisements. is he currently working on tv advertisements?

第五部分翻译 41-45小题将下列句子翻成汉语。

41. the meeting rooms are on the ground floor. 会议室在底楼。

42. he is talking to a customer right now. 现在他正在和客户谈话。

43. d**id usually has a sandwich in his office at lunchtime. 大卫午饭时通常在办公室吃一个三明治。

h**e a reservation for a single room. 我预定了一个单人间。

45. i’m waiting for a important telephone call from my boss in shanghai. 我正在等我老板从上海打来的重要**。

复习资料。第二部分词汇与结构 (共65题)


1. what’s __job?

a. yours b. your c. you

2. who is that man over there? do you know __name?

a. he b. he’s c. his

3. mary is ****** __a beautiful dress.

a. myself b. himself c. herself

4. you h**e more apples than __do. but __are better than yours.

a. us, we b. we, ours c. ours, us

5. _people are my friends. _people are my husband’s friends.

a. these, those b. this, that c. here, there

6. i h**e two brothers. one is a driver, _is a policeman.

a. one b. other c. the other

7. london is __capital of britain, and it is __great city, too.

a. a, the b. the, a c. a, a

8. d**id is __only accountant in my son’s company.

a. a b. an c. the

9. he works in __finance department (财务处) of __large company.

a. the, a b. a, the c. a, a

10. the business banking department is on __third floor.

a. /b. an c. the

11. —was the meeting like?

it was very exciting.

a. how b. what c. which

12is the man near the window?

— oh, he is tom.

a. what b. who c. how

13. _of these two books do you prefer?

a. which b. what c. how

14. _wine do you need for the party?

a. how much b. how little c. how many

15. —will the meal take?

— it’ll take two hours, i think.

a. how many b. how much c. how long

16. does the flat cost a month?

a. how many b. how much c. how about

17. which is __the yangtze river or the yellow river?

a. a bit long b. longer c. more long

18. i’m bad at spelling, but jane is __than me.

a. bad b. worse c. less

19. rose is __than frank.

a. very easy-going b. much easy-going c. much more easy-going

20. this watch is __that one.

a. as expensive as b. very expensive than c. more expensive to

21. i don’t like london. it is __beijing.

a. different from b. different as c. as different as

22. i don’t want __milk in my coffee.

a. any b. some c. many

23. pandas and monkeys are not __dangerous animals.

a. some b. any c. /

24. i usually go to the office __train.

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