
发布 2021-04-27 16:23:28 阅读 8019



may i take your order now?现在点菜吗?keep the change!不用找零钱了!(this is my treat!我请客!)

go dutch(let’sgo fifty fifty. )aa制go out for dinner / dinner out出去吃饭。

dessert甜品,hamburger汉堡包coke可乐snack bar小吃街;大排挡dining hall ; coffee shop restaurant cafeteria canteen;buffet自助餐meal, bill, hamburger, dish, beer,soft drink,fully booked(客满)


stamp邮票,envelope信封,package / parcel包裹overweight超重extra postage额外邮资express mail快件send / post / deliver a letter / mail寄/发信。

airmail航空信件open an account开一个账户postman/mailman, delivery邮递员。


library card;borrow;lend;keep;renew;bookshelf;novel;science fiction科幻**;magazine杂志;periodical期刊;reference book;资料书librarian图书管理员pay a fine交罚款can i help you? /what can i do for you?


aspirin阿司匹林regular doctor私人医生。

emergence department急诊室icu (=intensive care unit)特护病房treatment**手段medicine: pills / tablets药丸/药片takeone’stemperature / blood pressure测量体温/血压。

heart attack心脏病cold / flu流感:h**e/catch a cold;pain;headache;

stomach-ache;backache;sore-throat喉咙痛cough;咳嗽fever发烧。what’sup? (多用于男生之间)blood pressure,waiting room,howisit going?

how are you?回答:i’mfine.

/i feel good/terrific. /icouldn’tbe better. /nothing is very wrong with me.

好。i am not feeling good. /i feel terrible/horrible/awful.

/i am not myself these days.不好。(注意听语气:



hello! this is…speaking.我是。。。

who’sspeaking?你是谁?the line is bad/ busy / kept a busy line.

**占线。long distance call长途**put through接通**hold on / up hold the line, please.

telephone/ ring/ phone sb. give sb. a call/ ring

i’llcall back later / him / her up through.

sorry,i’mafraid you h**e the wrong number.


make a reservation预定房间reception desk接待处check in入住check out结账single room单间suite套间。

do you h**e a reservation sir? h**e you got any vacant room? (is there any room **ailable here?


all the room are occupied.房间已满。can i h**e a suite please?

how much do you charge for that?smoking or non-smoking?meals included.


can i show you your room? /can i carry your luggage?

double room,room number,room service,check out,lift / elevator


speeding,may i see your license, please? you will be fined by $20.


store杂货店department store百货商场shopping center购物中心商品信息:size;color;style;pricewhat color/size/kind do you want?商品论贵贱expensive,cheap**论高低high, low。

bargain便宜货popular / fashionable流行的in fashion流行,时尚out of fashion过时的brand品牌counter柜台。

pay in cash用现金支付pay in check用支票支付credit card信用卡shop assistant商店营业员out of stock脱销/缺货in stock有货。


cloudy阴天overcast多云rainy雨天sunny晴天thunder打雷strong/ high rains cats and dogs.(=the rain is pouring.)下着倾盆大雨。

downpour倾盆大雨clear up天空放晴。经常和天气相联系的情况:

vacation和flight(航班)(be delayed/cancelled by the bad weather)


flight航班welcome on board欢迎登机boundfor…飞往……方向去的check in办理登机手续behind schedule晚点。

take off起飞land降落air/plane飞机airport机场。

luggage,china airline,information desk问询台。



july --sep(t).october dec.2、星期。

sunday --sunmonday---wed(s).thursday --sat.3、交通。

traffic,plane,bus,car,train,subway(underground),boat, ship,taxi,transportation,timetable,journey,speed,4、货币(钱)

u. s dollar, hong kong dollar (hk$),yuan, rmb,pound (£pocket changecoin, check, cash, credit card, bank,5、地点(情景用语)

车站(station)用语:round trip, single trip, sleeping car, ticket, fair, conductor,等;

商店(shop)用语:on sale, size, color, price, change, customer, expensive, cheap, discount,等;学校(school)用语:

exam, course, dining hall, playground, library, lab, degree, foreign language, optional course, required course等。家庭(family)用语:


holiday, festival, mid-autumn day,may day,national day,teachers’day,children’sday,valentine’sday,halloween,mother(father)s day, new year, christmas day, thanksgiving day, easter ,7、体育。

basketball, football ,volleyball, baseball, tennis, table-tennis, badminton running , swimming, shooting, fishing, surfing ,skating ,rock climbing, jumping, gym, stadium,8、娱乐。

talk show,concert,show,exhibition,film, movie,play,theatre,museum,music,entertainment,band, chess,amusement park,nightclub, picnic, bowling,9、职业。

clerk ,secretary,manager ,boss,professor,lawyer,businessman,driver,doctornurse,headmaster,headmistress,librarian,engineer,technician,farmer,policemanpolicewoman, coach10、健康(问题)

health,gainweight,lose weight,keep fit,balanced diet,smoking, go on a diet,take exercise,gym

noon, morning, afternoon,evening, night,themoment/minute…一…(就…)12、科目。

artsmusicphysical education (p e)13、国籍(nationality)

chinese,japanese,german,french,american,australian,englishman,russian,new-zealander, canadian, italian, spanish,14、主要国家、地区、城市。

thepeople’srepublic of china,beijing,the united states of america,usa,new yorkchicago ,the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland,数(量)词。

million,thousand,hundred,dozen,score,decade,first,second, third,,fifth,eighth,ninth,twelfth,twentieth,16、科技。

computer,surf the internet ,technology,science,information,e-mail,download,on line,off line,clone,robot,cell phone/ mobile phone,satellite,spaceship17、clothes(衣物)

clothing ,dress,suit,evening dress,jacket,skirt,t-shirt,trousers,pants,shorts,blouse,sweater,coat,overcoat,tie,socks,stockings,shoes,boots,hat , cap , uniform18、food and drinks(食物与饮料)

hamburger, sandwich(es), bread, flour, milk, pork, beef, lamb, chicken , fish, rice,vegetable, black-tea, green-tea , coffee, black coffee, wine, alcohol, soft drinks19、听力句型:


2)take your time/take things easy.【别慌】.3)anything but cheap【并不便宜】.5)it’sa deal【一言为定】.


7)can we makeit…?【我们可把时间定在…?】8)that’sthe way it is.【事情就是这样的】9)it depends.

10)it’snot intended for scientists, either.【也不是为科学家而准备的】10)it’sfar from easy.【一点也不容易】11)youcan’tbe serious !


my imagination.【这超出我的想象】


一。天气场景。cloudy阴天。overcast多云。thunder打雷。strong high wind大风。tornado龙卷风。typhoon台风。storm风暴。blizzard暴风雨。it rains cats and dogs.the rain is pouring.下着倾盆大雨。点击查...


高中听力的十个主要话题所涉及的词汇并不多,背下来对你的听力考试事半功倍,快快行动起来吧!一。餐馆场景。order 点菜。serve 上菜。tip 小费。change 零钱。keep the change 不用找零钱了!treat 请客 this is my treat 我请客!go dutch aa...


高考考试的对话内容场景基本上都是考生所熟悉的,有校园 生活 工作 各种社交场所。了解一些场景下的常用语和常见表达对解题是很有帮助的。对这些常用词汇和短语不仅要知道其本身的意思,还要知道它们的同义表达方式。这是因为现在听力试题一般不会在选项 现对话中的原词和词组。以下场景是对话当中所占比例最大的,掌握...