
发布 2021-04-27 15:23:28 阅读 5058


has gone tom已经走了。

day came at last. 那一天最后终于来了。

person has left for his hometown. 那个人已经出发到他的家乡去了。


likes the book. tom喜欢这本书。

brother joined the army last year. 我哥哥去年参军了。


brother g**e me an interesting book. 我的哥哥给了我一本有趣的书。

lend me a pen. 请借给我一支笔。

四。主语+系动词+表语(s+v+p).系动词可以是be, get, become, turn, go, come, keep, stay, look,

seem, appear, remain等。 可以充当表语的有名词或名词短语,数词,代词,形容词,副词,介词短语,分词或分词短语,动名词或动名词短语,不定式或不定式短语和从句。

is a student. 他是个学生。 (student是表语)

number of them were absent .(nmet96,14) (absent都是表语) 他们中许多人缺席。

watch is mine. (mine是表语) 这手表是我的。

girl become more and more beautiful. (beautiful 是表语) 那个女孩越来越漂亮。

e.the light is still on. (on 是表语)

f.he is still on bed. (met92,36) (in bed 是表语)

g.the person was surprised. (surprised 是分词作表语) 那个人很惊奇。

h.what he said seemed surprising. (surprising是分词表语)

i.what he likes is playing basketball. (playing basketball 是动名次作表语)

job is to teach you english. (to teach you english 是不定式短语作表语)


problem is how we can deal with the water pollution. (how we can deal with the water

pollution 是从句作表语) 问题是我们如何处理水污染。

五。 主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语 (s+vt+o+oc). 可以充当宾语补足语有名词,形容词,副。


等。we elected (chose, made) him our monitor. (our monitor 是宾语补足语)


mother named her baby tom. (tom 是宾语补足语) 那位母亲给他的婴儿起名为tom.

c. we are ****** our country rich. (rich 是宾语补足句)

d. jack found the lights in the classroom still on. (on 是宾语补足语)

e. he found himself in bed.(in bed 是宾语补足语)

f. i saw the boy lying under the tree.(lying under the tree 是宾语补足语)

g.. tom noticed the old man knocked down.(knocked down 是宾语补足语)


句型过关练习 1 班级姓名座号。只含有一个主谓结构的句子 有时并列主语或并列谓语 叫做简单句。简单句的五种基本句型和there be 句型结构如下 1.主语 连系动词 表语 s v p mobile phones are useful in people s life.移动 在人们的生活中非常有用。...


第1种句型 主语 谓语 不及物动词 1.birds fly.2.he runs in the park.3.class begins.4 money talks.金钱万能。实地操练 他刚刚睡过觉。他明天会来。第2种句型 主语 谓语 及物动词 宾语。1.my father read the book....


句子是由主语 谓语动词 表语 宾语 宾语补足语等组成的,依其组合方式可分为五种基本句型,如下表所示 句子成分的表示法。s subject 主语 v verb 动词 o object 宾语 p predicative 表语 oc object complement 宾语补足语 主语 系动词 表语 s ...