爱词霸 每日英语

发布 2021-04-27 06:48:28 阅读 6190


cool drinks are refreshingona hot day.在热天喝冷饮使人感到清爽。the air smelt fresh after the rain.

雨后的空气闻起来很清爽。the air in the morning is quitecrisp.


清晨空气格外清爽。i had a refreshing drink.我喝了一杯清爽的饮料。

there is an electric fan in our room.在我们屋子里有一台电风扇。twice his small electric fan broke down.


set fanshroudaside.[∫raud]保护罩将风扇罩置于它处。can i turn the fan off?我能把风扇关掉吗?

he has to attend aretrained session.他不得不参加一期的再培训。

invest he**ily in training andmentoring(启蒙导师)


we h**e an education and training center.我们还有培训中心。

then finally is the technical training.最后是技术培训。

drink this, else you will be sick.把这喝下去,否则你会生病的。

his illness put acrimp(打摺、起皱) in our plans.他生病了,妨碍了我们的计划。accept bad news with philosophy.


the newscreated a great stirin the country.消息轰动了全国。

he showed his pleasure at the news.他听到这个消息显得很高兴。be sure to tell me all the news.


they decided togo dutchon the dinner check.他们决定分摊聚餐费。

we’re h**ing a potluck(各家带一道菜的聚餐方式)friday night.星期五晚上我们要聚餐!

a clubfunctionwill be hold in the main restaurant.


回了一趟老家,起了个念头,想写一下老家的姑娘们。the recent trip back home gives me the idea of writingabout the girls there.

autumn is alively seasonfor thewool market.秋天是毛织品畅销的季节。

autumn is the harvesttime.秋天是收获的季节。food prices lowered during thefall.


a foreign language is aweapon in the struggle oflife.***万岁。

long livechairman mao

eat more fruit: it will do you good.多吃水果,对你有好处。

i like fresh fruit better thantinnedfruit.我喜欢新鲜水果胜于罐头水果。

he is commissioned to negotiate with them.他被授权与他们谈判。

he expressed optimism about the talks.他对谈判表示了乐观。

negotiation of the sale took a long time.有关销售的谈判用了很长时间。the negotiations proved long and tortuous.


爱词霸英语 每日一句

爱词霸英语 每日一句。i really love western food.我真的很喜欢西餐。a plane crashed yesterday.昨天有架飞机出事了。your oil is fine but your tires are a little flat.机油没问题,但轮胎有点瘪了。wha...


youth comes but once in a lifetime.人生不过一次少年。五四青年节 词霸小编 今天是五四青年节,年轻只有一次,要让自己的青春更加精彩!strive to make every day joyful and meaningful.努力让每一天都开心有意义!never g...


youth comes but once in a lifetime.人生不过一次少年。五四青年节 词霸小编 今天是五四青年节,年轻只有一次,要让自己的青春更加精彩!strive to make every day joyful and meaningful.努力让每一天都开心有意义!never g...