
发布 2021-04-27 01:29:28 阅读 2450

10-the dress code for office life

office has a dress code《着装要求》,but in today’s casual《随便的,偶然的,非正式的》workplace,they aren’t always written. instead it is up to《应由、适于》 each individual《每个人》 to figure out《想出、理解》 what’s acceptable《可以接受的》 and what’s not. this actually makes it harder to dress appropriately《合适地、适当地》,but fortunately《幸运地》 most offices also send out《发出、送出》 a few signals.


by taking a cue《暗示、线索》 from others. does everyone wear conservative《保守的》 suits? thenyou’《粗斜纹棉布》shirtsthenorm《规范》?

thenit’sokaytogocasual, although you may want to dress up《着装》 a little the first few weeks when the boss is sizing youup先从别人身上寻得一些线索。是每个人都穿保守的套装吗?那你最好也穿套装。


buck《冲撞,晃动》 the system. the more conservative your work place is, the riskier《冒险的,危险的》itis,infact,《守旧的、温文尔雅的》environments, and while this may le**e you chomping at the bit《跃跃欲试,急不可耐》 to reveal《展示,揭示》 the real you, the risk《风险》 usually isn’t worthwhile.


4. dress-down fridays轻松着装的星期五。

比较地,相对地》newofficecustom《习惯》《解释,理解》《况且、加上》,even dress-down days h**e their unwritten rules.当今在许多公司有一个比较新的办公室习俗:在星期五轻松着装。


实际上,确实》《不安的、不习惯的》 doing so or don’t think they look their best in casual clothes. let’s faceit—a formal suit does stand out《突出、引人注目》 when everyone else is wearing sneakers《胶底帆布鞋,运动鞋》 and jeans, so you won’t want to ignore《忽视》 the custom entirely《完全地》.on the other hand, ifyou like how you look dressed up《精心装扮》,then do a little of both.

wear jeans or casual pants《休闲裤》and nice shirt and a jacket or a blazer《颜色鲜明的运动夹克,宣布者》.this way you won’t stand out, andyou will still feel comfortable.




err《犯错,做错》 too far in the other direction《方向》 either. nowhere do dress-down days meanthat you can come to work in your grubbiest《脏的,污秽的,邋遢的,卑鄙》 clothes. some clothes are nevermeant to be seen by your fellow workers《同事》.

office casual typically means carefully tailored《剪裁讲究的》,well-made casual clothes. leisure《闲暇,空闲》 suits, sweats, or exercise clothes are best left at home—or in your locker《柜子》 at the gym《体育馆》.



8. dressing up for work为工作精心着装。

9. dressing up for work can just as hard as dressing down. dressy《盛装的》 office occasions《场合》 includedinner with a client《客户》,dinner at the boss’s house, a banquet《宴会》,a client’s party,or an officeholiday.

for women especially, dressy clothes for business occasions are not the same as dressy clothes forpurely social occasions. for work-related events, it’s better to skip [跳过;遗漏] the low-cut or slinky [紧身的,线条优美的]省略inwhich]youwon’tparticularly like. opt instead for conservatively cut clothes in conservative colors.

skip anything with frills[装饰;褶边] or lace [花边;鞋带] (except for a top under a suit)—and skip the bright redminidress.为工作精心着装与轻松着装一样不易,需要精心着装的办公场合包括与客户共同进餐,在老板家吃饭,参加宴会、客户举办的晚会或办公室节日等等。特别是对于女职员,为生意场合精心着装与为纯粹社交场合精心着装并不一样。




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