立春start of spring
春天开始之时。spring starts here according to the chinese definition of a season.
雨水rain water
降雨大于降雪。starting at this point, the temperature makes rain more likely than snow
惊蛰awakening of insects
冬眠昆虫开始苏醒。when hibernating insects awaken.
春分spring equinox
平分春季。the central divide of spring
清明clear and bright
扫墓时节。a chinese festival where, traditionally, ancestral gr**es are tended.
谷雨grain rains
雨水帮助谷物生长。rain helps grain grow.
立夏start of summer
夏天开始之时。summer starts here.
小满grain full
谷物变得饱满。grains are plump.
芒种grain in ear
植物的芒生长成熟。awns (beard of grain) grow.
夏至summer solstice
太阳高度达到了极值(最高)。summer extreme (of sun"s height)
小暑minor heat
气温开始高到难以忍受。when heat starts to get unbearable.
大暑major heat
一年最热之时。the hottest time of the year.
立秋start of autumn
秋天开始之时。autumn starts here.
处暑limit of heat
炎热的夏天即将过去。the scorching summer is going to pass by.
白露white dew
凝结的水汽变白。condensed moisture makes dew white.
秋分autumn equinox
平分秋季。the central divide of autumn.
寒露cold dew
露水开始变成霜。dew starts turning into frost.
霜降descent of frost
霜开始出现,气温开始下降。appearance of frost and descent of temperature.
立冬start of winter
冬天开始之时。winter starts here.
小雪minor snow
开始下雪。snow starts falling.
大雪major snow
雪开始下大。season of snowstorms in full swing.
冬至winter solstice
太阳高度达到了极值(最低)。winter extreme (of sun"s height).
小寒minor cold
气温开始低到难以忍受。cold starts to become unbearable.
大寒major cold
一年最冷之时。coldest time of year.
这就是24节气 读后感。最近,我读了一套 这就是二十四节气 的书籍!翻开书本,生动的绘画深深的吸引了我!这本书让我学到了很多知识!原来我只知道一年分为春 夏 秋 冬四个季节,并不知道什么是二十四节气!那我来给大家讲讲二十四节气!一年有十二个月,每个月有两个节气!所以一年有二十四节气!二十四节气不仅是...
这就是24节气 读后感。当仔细品读一部作品后,相信大家一定领会了不少东西,写一份读后感,记录收获与付出吧。到底应如何写读后感呢?这就是24节气 读后感1 最近,我读了一套 这就是二十四节气 的书籍!翻开书本,生动的绘画深深的吸引了我!这本书让我学到了很多知识!原来我只知道一年分为春 夏 秋 冬四个季...