
发布 2021-04-21 22:14:28 阅读 4826

比赛场馆 competition gymnasiums and stadiums

练习场馆 training gymnasiums

操场 playground; sports ground; drill ground

体育活动 sports/sporting activities

体育锻炼 physical training

体育锻炼标准 standard for physical training

体育** physical exercise therapy; sports therapy

广播操 setting-up exercises to music

课/工间操 physical exercises during breaks

体育工作者 physical culture workers, sports organizer

运动爱好者 sports fan/enthusiast

观众 spectator

啦啦队 cheering-section

啦啦队长 cheer-leader

国家队 national team

种子队 seeded team

主队 home team

客队 visiting team

教练员 coach

裁判员 referee, umpire

裁判长 chief referee

团体项目 team event

单项 individual event

男子项目 men's event

女子项目 women's event

冠军 champion; gold medalist

全能冠军 all-round champion

亚军 running-up; second; silver medalist

第三名 third; bronze medalist

世界纪录保持者 world-record holder

运动员 athlete; sportsman

种子选手 seeded player; seed

优秀选手 top-ranking/topnotch athlete

田径运动 track and field; athletics

田赛 field events

竞赛 track events

跳高 high jump

撑杆跳高 pole jump; polevault

跳远 long/broad jump

**跳远 hop, step and jump; triple jump

标枪 j**elin throw

铅球 shot put

铁饼 discus throw

链球 hammer throw

马拉松赛跑 marathon (race)

接力 relay race; relay

跨栏比赛 hurdles; hurdle race

竞走 walking; walking race

体操 gymnastics

自由体操 floor/free exercises

技巧运动 acrobatic gymnastics

垫上运动 mat exercises

单杠 horizontal bar

双杠 parallel bars

高低杠 uneven bars; high-low bars

吊环 rings

跳马 vaulting horse

鞍马 pommel horse

平衡木 balance beam

球类运动 ball games

足球 football; soccer

足球场 field; pitch

篮球 basketball

篮球场 basketball court

排球 volleyball

乒乓球 table tennis; ping pong

乒乓球拍 racket; bat

羽毛球运动 badminton

羽毛球 shuttlecock; shuttle

球拍 racket

网球 tennis

棒球 baseball

垒球 softball

棒/垒球场 baseball(soft ball)field/ground

手球 handball

手球场 handball field

曲棍球 hockey; field hockey

冰上运动 ice sports

冰球运动 ice hockey

冰球场 rink

冰球 puck; rubber

速度滑冰 speed skating

花样滑冰 figure skating

冰场 skating rink; ice rink

人工冰场 artificial ice stadium

滑雪 skiing

速度滑雪 cross country ski racing

高山滑雪 alpine skiing

水上运动 water/acquatic sports

水上运动中心 aquatic sports center

水球(运动)water polo

水球场 playing pool

滑水 water-skiing

冲浪 surfing

游泳 swimming

游泳池 swimming pool

游泳馆 natatorium

自由泳 freestyle; crawl (stroke)

蛙泳 breaststroke

侧泳 sidestroke

蝶泳 butterfly (stroke)

海豚式 dolphin stroke/kick

蹼泳 fin swimming

跳水 diving

跳台跳水 platform diving

跳板跳水 springboard diving

赛艇运动 rowing

滑艇/皮艇 canoeing

帆船运动 yachting; sailing

赛龙船 dragon-boat racing

室内运动 indoor sports

举重 weightlifting

重量级 he**yweight

中量级 middleweight

轻量级 lightweight

拳击 boxing

摔交 wresting

击剑 fencing

射击 shooting

靶场 shooting range

射箭 archery

拳术 quanshu; barehanded exercise; chinese boxing

气功 qigong; breathing exercises

自行车运动 cycling; cycle racing

赛车场(自行车等的)倾斜赛车场 cycling track

室内自行车赛场 indoor velodrome

摩托运动 motorcycling

登山运动 mountaineering; mountain-climbing

骑术 horsemanship

赛马场 equestrian park

国际象棋 (international) chess

特级大师 grandmaster

象棋 xiangqi; chinese chess

围棋 weiqi; go

航空模型 aeromodel; model aeroplane

航海模型 marine modelling; model ship

跳伞 parachuting

定点跳伞 accuracy jump; precision landing

无线电定向 radio direction finding

造型跳伞 relative work

滑翔运动 gliding; sailplaning

技巧 sports acrobatics

拔河 tug-of-war

毽子 shuttlecock

踢毽子 shuttlecock kicking

毽秋 jianqiu; shuttlecock playing


国民生产总值 gnp (gross national product)

人均国民生产总值 per capita gnp

产值 output value

鼓励 give incentive to

投入 input

宏观控制 exercise macro-control

优化经济结构 optimize the economic structure

输入活力 bring vigor into

改善经济环境 improve economic environment

整顿经济秩序 rectify economic order

有效地控制通货膨胀 effectively control inflation

非公有成分 non-public sectors

主要成分 dominant sector

实在的 tangible

全体会议 plenary session

解放生产力 liberate/unshackle/release the productive forces

引入歧途 lead one to a blind alley

举措 move

实事求是 seek truth from facts

引进、输入 importation

和平演变 peaceful evolution

试一下 h**e a go (at sth.)

精华、精粹、实质 quintessence

家庭联产责任承包制 family-contract responsibility system

搞活企业 invigorate enterprises

商品经济 commodity economy

基石 cornerstone

零售 retail

发电量 electric energy production

有色金属 nonferrous metals

人均收入 per capita income

使负担 be saddled with

营业发达的公司 going concerns

被兼并或挤掉 annexed or forced out of business

善于接受的 receptive

增额、增值、增长 increment

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