7BU5词组句型 新

发布 2021-04-19 13:17:28 阅读 4622

unit 5

1. 在将来/在不久的将来in the future / in the near future

2. 向…学习/ 用心学/ 学习者learn from / learn by heart / learner

3. 活到老学到老it’s never too late to learn.

4. 很久以前long ago = once upon a time

5. 快乐的 /快乐地/ 开心/ 不快乐 happy / happily / happiness / unhappy

6. 很开心去做某事be happy to do

7. 哪儿有个叫jane的女孩there lived a girl named/called jane.

there was a girl named/called jane.

8. 一间破旧的小木屋an old small wooden hut

9. 仙女 / 仙境 / 童话故事fairy / fairy land / fairy tale

10. 辛勤的/好看的hard-working /good-looking

11. 祝某人圣诞快乐wish (sb) a merry christmas

12. 许愿/ 衷心的祝福你make a wish / best wishes to you.

13. 冲着…微笑 / 微笑着smile at / with a smile

14. 互相(两者)/ 互相在(三者以上) each other / one another

15. 挣钱 / 某生earn money / earn a living = make a living

16. 穷人 / 不擅长the poor / be poor at

17. 金子/ 金制的 / 金牌gold / golden=made of gold / gold medal

18. 安慰 舒适的/ 适时地 / 不舒服的comfort / comfortable / comfortably / uncomfortable

19 . 这个问题的回答the reply to the question = the answer to the question

20. 回答reply to = answer

21. 美丽 n./ 美丽的adj./ 美丽地adv. beauty / beautiful / beautifully

22. 过得幸福live happily = live a happy life

23. 虽然/ 但是although = though / but

24. 贪婪 / 贪婪的/ 贪婪地greed / greedy / greedily

25. 出现/ 消失/ 外貌appear / disappear / appearance

26. 模型、模特/ 现代的model / modern

27. 投票/ 投票人/ 投票选取/ 投票反对 vote / voter / vote for / vote against

28. (做)…事情怎样how (what) about (doing) sth?

29. 使(某人或某物)保持怎样keep (sth. /sb) +adj.

30. 使(某人)连续不断做某事keep (sb. )doing sth.

31. 放弃(做某事give up (doing)

32. …迟到了/ 晚了be late for / be late

33. 远离/ 住得远be far away from / live far away from

34. 忙于做某事/ 忙于某事be busy doing sth. /be busy with sth.

35. 软弱adj./ 削弱v. /强壮adj./ 加强v. weak / weaken / strong / strengthen

36. 浪费时间做某事 v./ 浪费钱 n. waste time doing / a waste of money

37. 谦虚的 / 勇敢的/ 诚实的/ 体贴的 modest / br**e / honest / considerate

38. 独立的/ 自信的/ 不自私的/慷慨的 independent / confident / unselfish / generous

translation u5

1. 尽管tom忙于工作, 但他经常帮助他太太做家务。

although tom is busy with his work, he always helps his wife with the housework.

2. 我祝你永远健康、开心、好运。

i wish you health, happiness and good luck forever.

3. 他们昨天早上投票选取了劳动模范。

they voted for model worker yesterday morning.

4. 中文对她来说有困难, 但她从没有放弃过。

chinese is difficult for her, but she never gives it up.

5. 这本书我买了好长一段时间了。

i h**e had this book for a long time.

6. 他对钱太贪婪了以至于丢了自己的命。

he was so greedy for money that he lost his own life.

7. 他们没有对我们的新建议作出答复。

they didn’t reply to our new suggestion.

8. 她靠加班挣了好多钱。

she earned a lot of money by working overtime.

9. 这家人舒舒服服地住在这间小木屋里。

the family live in the little wooden hut comfortably.

10. 一个夏天的早上,有个小偷闯入了tom家。

one summer morning, a thief broke into tom’s home.

11. 过去我常常用光我的零花钱, 现在已经开始攒上一些。

i used to spend all my pocket money, but now i h**e started s**ing up some.

12. 你认为他是怎样去上学的。

how do you think he goes to school?

13. 我相信多种树对于我们有好处。

i think it good for us to plant more trees.

i think it is good for us to plant more trees.


七年级第二学期牛津英语u5知识点梳理。module 2 unit 5 what can we learn from others?知识点梳理 打 的知识点仅供参考 i 词组 1.long ago 很久以前。2.a farmer called 一个叫 的农夫。3.give you three wish...


1.留神,当心。2.给人让座。3.为 募集物品。4.打扫干净。5.探访老人院。6.能够。7.为 付款。8.为 募集一些资金。9.从 中救出。10.从隔壁。11.帮助某人出去。12.灭火。13.住院。14.当时。15.当心某事。16.呼救。17.冲进。18.在报纸上。19.正在着火。20.健康。21....

初中英语7B词组 7BU1词组测试

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