
发布 2021-04-19 12:30:28 阅读 5241

m4u1 women of achievement






9.过着……的生活10.把a置于b之后 place a second __b




17.继续;坚持18.为……斗争 fight

19.处死 put __death20.研究的对象是 concern oneself __

21.专注于 be specialized22.献身于;专心于 be devoted __

23.醒来;唤醒24.与……共事(一起工作)work __sb

25.与……交流 communicate26.与某人争论某事 argue __sb. _sth.

27.建立;创办28.心里想 say __oneself

29.在大学 __university30.坐在电脑旁 sit down __the computer

31.对……进行研究 do research __sb32.吸引某人的注意。


1. worth, worthy, worthwhile


the guangzhou asian games are __watching.

the guangzhou asian games arebeing watched.

the guangzhou asian games are worthy

it is worthwhilethe guangzhou asian games.

2. observe


hea strangerhang) around the store this morning.


mr. wangthe thiefopen) the window andrun) away.

3) this law must be strictly遵守).

1) i本打算)go to your house last night.

2) this giftyou(专门为你准备的).

4. only when you spare no effort你才能获得大的成就).

5我突然意识到) the danger is just in front of us.

6对于一位女士来说是一件困难的事情) to get a medical training at that time.(it作形式主语)

7. 我是昨天在附近的商店买的这件衣服。(强调句)

i bought this dress in a shop nearby.

module 4 unit 2 学案。

一、词组。1. 多亏。

2. 除去…的。

3. 对…满意。

4. 宁愿。

5. 增进;加强。

6. 导致。

7. 集中注意。

8. 免于。

9. 为…而努力。

10. 根据。

11. 传播知识。

12. 介意、在乎。

13. 给某人/物配备…以。

14. 梦想(做某事。

15. 怀着…的希望。

16. 关心。

17. 待售。

18. 为了某个目的。

19. 需要帮助。

20. 清洗掉。

21. 超过三分之一的庄稼。

22. 毕业于。

23. 带走;拿走。

24. 看到了对…的需求。


1. struggle for, struggle with/against,when i fell into the water, i screamed andhelp.

hecancer for two years.

2. regret

1. after the car accident, the driver regretteddrive) too fast that day. we regrettell) you that we couldn’t help him.

3. export weall kinds of cars __other countries.

4. would rather

he __much __keep time for his hobbies.

these days i would rahterlisten) to folk music.

we would rahterlive) in the city than __live) in the countryside.

1. using his hybrd rice farmers are producing harvestsbefore.(比以前的两倍大)

2多亏你的支持)we won the game.

3. 他答应要除掉屋里的老鼠。(rid…of…) he promised to

4. indeed, his face and arms are just像其他千百万中国农民一样。)

5. in 1974, he becamein the world.


6. at that time, hunger wasin many parts of the countryside. (一个严重问题) (disturb)


4大声朗读英语) is a good way to learn it well.


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