
发布 2021-04-19 12:50:28 阅读 9326

unit4 词组和句型。

1. 害怕 be afraid of/be terrified of+名词/代词/v-ing

2. 过去常常做某事 used to do sth. 过去是…… used to be +adj./n.

3. i used to be short.我过去很矮。

4. paula didn’t use to h**e long hair.葆拉过去不留长发。

5. did he use to wear glasses?他过去戴眼镜吗?

6. mario used to be outing,didn’t he? 马里奥过去很外向,对吗?

7. 习惯于做某事be/get used to doing sth习惯于某事be/get used to sth.

8. 被用于做某事 be used to do sth.

9. 谈论talk about 和。谈话 talk to/ talk with

10. 直发straight hair 卷发curly hair

11. 不够……而不能做某事be not+adj. +enough to do sth

足够……而能做某事be +adj.+enough to do sth.

12. 在。方面取得好成绩 get good grades in

13. 对。更感兴趣 be/get more interested in+n./pron./v-ing

14. 时常/有时 from time to time=sometimes=at times

15. 我的小学同学 my primary school classmates

16. 变化很大 change a lot/ change so much

改变某人的生活change one’s life

17. 变红 turn red

18. 看见某人在做某事see sb doing sth 看到某人做某事see sb do sth.

19. 一个十九岁的。a 19-year-old

20. 开始做某事 take up doing sth.

21. 对付/处理 deal with(用how提问)/ do with(用what提问)

22. 敢做某事dare to do sth 不敢做某事dare not to do sth

23. 在班级面前in front of the class 在众人面前 in front of crowds

在考试中取得好成绩get good scores on the exams

24. 全学校the whole school

25. 不在not…anymore=no more

26. 一直/总是all the time/always

27. 成为大众焦点 get tons of attention

28. 太多的注意力 too much attention

29. 担心… worry about/be worried about

30. 出现在别人面前 appear to others

31. 非常注意/小心。be very careful about

32. 私人时间 private time

33. 和朋友闲逛 hang out with friends

34. 准备好做事 be prepared to do sth

35. 放弃 give up +名词、代词、动名词(doing)

36. 通向成功的路 the road to success

37. 想/考虑。think about 想到/想起;考虑;认为。think of

38. 继续战斗fight on doing

39. 需要有足够的天赋 require a lot of talent

40. 能成功到达顶峰 make it to the top

41. 一小部分a very small number of

42. 吃大量的蔬菜 eat a lot of vegetables

43. 听流行** listen to pop music

44. 看恐怖片 watch scary movies 看大量的书籍 read lots of books

45. 至少 at least

46. 当众 in public

47. 画画 paint pictures

48. 要求某人(不要)做某事 require sb. (not)to do sth.

49. 过去在足球队 used to be on the soccer team

50. .的话题 the topic of …的标题 the title of …

51. 学习努力 work hard

52. 在。方面做得好do well in/be good at+名词、代词、动名词。

53. 很难相信it is hard to believe+that从句。

54. 寻找。look for 照顾take care of/ look after

55. 搬到某地move to someplace

56. 感到孤独feel lonely 独处be alone

57. 旷课be absent from classes

58. 未能做某事fail to do sth. 考试不及格fail the exams/examinations

59. 决定某事make a decision to do sth.=decide to do sth.

60. 派某人到某地/送某人到某地 send sb to sp

61. 寄宿学校 a boarding school

62. 和…交朋友 make friends with sb

63. 亲自/亲身做某事 do sth. in person

64. 建议某人做。advise sb to do sth

65. 即使 even though/even if

66. pay attention to +n./pron./v-ing注意……、留心……

67. 变得积极 become active

68. 以。为自豪take pride in/ be proud of

69. 在过去的几年里 in(during)+the last(past)+few years (用于现在完成时)

7.自从……以来已有多长时间了it has been+一段时间+since从句(从句用一般过去时).=it is +一段时间+since从句(从句用一般过去时)


一 词组。1.从地球到月球 from earth to the moon2.脚尖走路 walk on tiptoe 3.像往常一样as usual4.转身 turn around 5.不寻常的一些事 something unusual6.仔细寻找search carefully 7.自言自语 say...


1.learn in that way 以那种方式学习 2.learn about the world from books 从书中了解世界。3.learn about the world through the internet通过因特网了解世界 4.be discovered by 被 发现。5...


九年级英语第九单元基础练习。section a 一重点短语 1.现代发明。2.上历史课。3.在那个年代。4.手持计算器。5.个人电脑。6.用来做。7.用电池供电的拖鞋。8.舀出。9.可调整的鞋跟。10.上下活动。11.改变鞋的风格 12.电灯。13.微波炉。14.在黑暗中。15.闹钟。16.听 17...