
发布 2021-04-18 01:06:28 阅读 8409


itsnevereasytoadmit(承认) the art of apology. think how often youve done wrong. then counthow many __2__ youve expressed clearly you were __3__.

you cant goto bed with an easy mind if you do __4__ about it.

a doctor friend, mr. lied, told me about a man who came to him withdifferentkindsofsigns:headaches,heart__5__andinsomnia(失眠).

_6__ some careful exams, mr. lied found nothing __7__ with him andsaid,ifyoudonttellmewhats__8__you, he was cheating his brother of his inheritance(遗产). then andthere the __9__ doctor __10__ the man write to his brother and __11__ cried.

thank you, he said to the doctor, i think ive got __13__.an apology can not only s**e a broken relationship(关系) but also makeit __14__.if you can think of someone who should be __15__ an apologyfrom you.

do something about it right now.1. a.

decide b. h**e c. need d.


2. a. mistakes b.

people c. ways d. times3.

a. sorry b. weak c.

sad d. wrong

4. a. something b.

anything c. nothing d. everything5.

a. trouble b. matter c.

illness d. problem6. a.

before b. after c. till d.

since7. a. well b.

wrong c. good d. bad

8. a. hurling b.

changing c. touching d. worrying9.

a. clever b. silly c.

good d. kind10. a.

made b. helped c. saw d.

let11. a. returned b.

g**e c. kept d. paid12.

a. ***** b. box c.

money d. letter13. a.

better b. well c. sick d.

worse14. a. never b.

worse c. stronger d. harder15.

a. given b. received c.

known d. forgotten名师点评。

中考英语 完形填空专题练习

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