
发布 2021-04-18 00:39:28 阅读 7669


xzysaid he often heard andythe piano when he passed her house.

b. play c. plays d. is playing

suchfreeze) weather,we would like to stay at home instead of going out.

ben noticed two thievessteal) a woman’s purse.

thinks that shanghai is muchwonder) than any other city in china.

english speak english, so do theamerica).

is anact).

read the whole textone) more.

works hardest, but gets thelittle) money of all.

you english in your school?

pen palcome) from?

11be) there any cups of tea? no, therebe) not any.

about your son. he will get well soon.

b. need to c. needn’t d. needn’t to

13. china liesthe east of asia and __the north of australia.

b. in,to c. to,in d. in,on

where is mary?

b: sheto the reading room.

been b. went c. has gone d. didn’t go

voice sounds quitedifferent) on the phone.

was socare) that he made a lot of mistakes in his work.


—— it’s october 3.


—— it’s wednesday.

don’t know what i will do this coming saturday.(保持原句意思)

i don’t knowdo this coming saturday.

20. —is it time for us to le**e?

—— yes, but our teachersh**e) a meeting in the

teachers’ office.


said he often heard andy _a__ the piano when he passed her house.

b. play c. plays d. is playing

hear 听见某人做了某事。

hear 听见某人正在做某事。

同hear有一样用法的动词有see看见/ notice注意到。


such _freezing__ freeze) weather,we would like to stay at home instead of going out.


frozen冰冻的 frozen food

该两词是freeze 的现分和过分做形容词。


ben noticed two thieves_stealing__ steal) a woman’s purse.


thinks that shanghai is much __more wonderful_ (wonder) than any other city in china.

more wonderful 更加精彩。

much more wonderful 精彩得多。

much 修饰比较级,意思为。。。得多。

english speak english, so do the _americans__ america).

american 美国人。复数americans, 本处用复数。

is an __actress_ (act).


actor 男演员。

read the whole text __once_ (one) more.

oncemore 再一次。

works hardest, but gets the __least_ (little) money of all.

least 最少的。

__teaches_ (teach) you english in your school?

who 视做三单,who teaches本处一般现在时态:三单+动s

__does_ you pen pal _come__ come) from?


11.__be) there any cups of tea? no, there___be) not any.


12. you___worry about your son. he will get well soon.

a. need b. need to c. needn’t d. needn’t to

needn't worry完全符合情态动词用法,后加not变为否定,并加动原。

don't need to worry完全符合行为动词用法,前加助动词don't,后加to do


13. china lies___the east of asia and___the north of australia.

a. to,to b. in,to c. to,in d. in,on

in the east of asia在亚洲的东部,说到底中国在亚洲in asia,用in

to the east of australia在澳大利亚的东方,中国不在澳大利亚内in australia,不能用in

14. a: where is mary?

b: she___to the reading room.

a. has been b. went c. has gone d. didn’t go

ch**e/has gone to sp.去了某地,不在此处。(所以才要找她)

h**e/has been to曾经去过某地,谈经历,已经回来。(那就不会找她了)

15. his voice sounds quite___different) on the phone.


16. he was so___care) that he made a lot of mistakes in his work.



—— it’s october 3.

what's the date?今天几号?


—— it’s wednesday.

what day is it today?今天星期几?

19. i dont’t know what i will do this coming saturday.(保持原句意思)

i dont’t knowdo this coming saturday.

what to do ,做什么,特殊疑问代词+to do

20. —is it time for us to le**e?

—— yes, but our teachersh**e) a meeting in the


are h**ing正在开。

初一英语 选择题练习

错题a 出自五年级上册作业本回顾拓展六 给带点的字选择正确的解释 极端 1 东西的 头。2 事情的 开头。3 方面。4 原因,起因。5 端正。6 平举着拿。错误解答 大部分学生选3 方面。原因分析与措施 1 对词语的意思不理解。2 学生的惰性。很多学生拿到题就做,不会思考,更不会查字典,因此导致错误...


一。翻译下列短语。1.上数学课 2.在星期一 3.两个小时4.第二天。二。根据汉语意思完成英语句子。1 你最喜爱的科目是什么?what s your 2 你为什么喜欢体育?do you p e.3 我的语文老师是王老师。myis 4 你什么时候上数学课?do you 5 数学难但有趣。math is...


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