学位英语 状语从句语法练习

发布 2021-04-17 21:08:28 阅读 4441



1. no sooner had they got off the train___it started moving. (2024年)

a. when b. than c. then d. after

2. it is very important for the strong man to know that __strong he is, he cannot be the strongest. (2024年)

a. whatever b. whenever c. whichever d. however

3i admit that there are problems, i don’t agree that they cannot be solved. (2024年)

a. when b. as c. while d. since

4. we’ll be only too glad to attend your party __we can get a baby-sitter. (2024年)

a. so far asb. provided that c. unless d. except that

5. _she finds out that you’ve lost her books. (2024年)

a. as if b. even if c. what if d. suppose that

6. he talks as if he __everything in the world. (2024年)

a. knows b. knew c. had known d. would h**e known

7. _you disagree with her, her idea is still worth considering考虑 (2024年)

a. even ifb. if only c. instead of d. despite of

8. in shorthe lives, a man belongs to some society. (2024年)

a. whatever b. whenever c. whichever d. wherever

9. she has wanted to become a nurse __since she was a young girl. (2024年)

a. long b. often c. always d. ever

10. rubber differs from plastics __it is produced naturally and not in file lab. (2024年)

a. at that b. in that c. for that d. with that

key1. no sooner had they got off the train___it started moving. (2024年)

a. when b. than c. then d. after

解析: 答案选b。表示“一……就……”可以有三种搭配:

no sooner…than…; hardly…when…; scarcely…when…。注意连词的搭配。本句的意思是:


2. it is very important for the strong man to know that __strong he is, he cannot be the strongest. (2024年)

a. whatever b. whenever c. whichever d. however

解析: 答案选d。however引导让步状语从句,修饰strong。that引导宾语从句的句意是:无论他多么强壮,他都不是最强壮的。

3i admit that there are problems, i don’t agree that they cannot be solved. (2024年)

a. whenb. as c. while d. since

解析: 答案选c。while表示虽然。句意是:虽然我承认有些问题,但我不同意说就解决不了这些问题。

4. we’ll be only too glad to attend your party __we can get a baby-sitter. (2024年)

a. so far asb. provided that c. unlessd. except that

解析: 答案选b。provided that=if。句意是:我们要是能找到人看孩子就会非常高兴地参加你们的聚会。注意句中only too 表示“非常”

5. _she finds out that you’ve lost her books. (2024年)

a. as if b. even if c. what if d. suppose that

解析: 答案选c。what if=what will happen if。

6. he talks as if he __everything in the world. (2024年)

a. knows b. knew c. had known d. would h**e known

解析: 答案选b。as if引导的状语从句中表示一种不真实的情况时,要使用虚拟语气。


7. _you disagree with her, her idea is still worth considering考虑 (2024年)

a. even if b. if only c. instead of d. despite of

解析: 答案选a。even if 表示“即使”;if only:要不是;instead of: 代替,后接短语;despite of:尽管,后接短语。

8. in shorthe lives, a man belongs to some society. (2024年)

a. whatever b. whenever c. whichever d. wherever

解析: 答案选d。wherever=no matter where 本题意是:简而言之,无论一个人主在**,他都是属于某个社会的。

9. she has wanted to become a nurse __since she was a young girl. (2024年)

a. long b. often c. always d. ever

解析: 答案选d。ever since相当于since, 表示自从。

10. rubber differs from plastics __it is produced naturally and not in file lab. (2024年)

a. at that b. in that c. for that d. with that

解析: 答案选b。in that 表示 “因为”,引导原因状语从句。

1. 尽管天气变冷了,他们还是像以前一样努力工作。

2. 即使你会失败,你也应该尽你的努力去完成工作。

3. 我们必须带雨衣,以防天下雨。

4. 据我所知,英文语法中没有这样一条规定。

5. 请把前门的钥匙放在我们容易找到的地方。

6. 我刚告诉他这个消息,他就哭起来。

7. 你越是努力学习英语,你说英语就会越好。

8. 除非天下雨,否则飞机将正点起飞。

9. 我们早晨早点走,以便我们能及时赶到机场。

10. 当我们听到老师告诉我们的那个消息,我们都激动得睡不着觉。

11. 乘务员怕旅客不明白,她又解释了一遍。

12. 我们做得越多,就越能做;越是紧张,就越有闲暇(leisure)。

13. 当乌云出现时(appear),聪明人就披上斗篷(cloaks)。

1. they worked as hard as before although the weather got cold.

2. even if (even though) you fail, you should do your best to finish your work.


1 时间状语从句可由when,whenever,while,before,after,until,till,since,now that,once,as soon as等连词引起 lets wait until till the rain stops 等雨停了再说。she comes to talk...


原因状语从句表原因,以下逐一介绍高考中常见的原因状语从句的引导词 1.because引导的原因状语从句一般放于主句之后,because表示直接原因,语气最强,最适合回答why引导的疑问句。例如 i doit because i like it.我做这件事是因为我喜欢。注意 not because结构...


状语从句。状语从句的种类 状语从句的时态特点 一 时间状语从句 二地点状语从句 三 条件状语从句 四 原因状语从句 五 目的状语从句 六 结果状语从句 七 让步状语从句 八 比较状语从句 九 方式状语从句 十 状语从句在写作中的运用 七 让步状语从句 八 比较状语从句 九 方式状语从句 十 状语从句...