
发布 2021-04-17 11:18:28 阅读 3167

一、 掌握写作技能,知道该怎样动手。


1、 掌握各种体裁文章格式

(1) 记叙文(narration)



(2) 说明文(exposition)、描写文(description)


(3) 日记 (diary)



a. oct 26 , 1999 wednesday fine

it is two months since i began this diary…….

b. friday may 1st cloudy

today is may day ……

(注意:常用以表示天气的词有fine, cloudy, rainy, windy, snow等)




december 21st , sunday fine

when i was on my way to the cinema at 9:00. i met a foreign visitor.

he didn't know how to get to the post office. he looked worried. so i went over and told him the way.

he said "thank you" to me. i was late for the film, but i didn't mind. i'm glad that i can talk with a foreigner in english.


一般分为私人信函(personal letters)和正式信函(business letters)。英文书信从信封到正文,其格式与汉语有许多不同。书信由以下几个部分构成:

a. 信头(heading)


例:no. 19 middle school

320 denshan road

nanchang, jiangxi

china, 330006

august 28 2000

b. 信内地址(inside address)


c. 称呼(greeting/salution)d. 正文(body)e. 结束语(ending)f. 签名(signature)

5)通知和便条(notice , note)



例如: a. attention, please. i h**e something to tell you……

b. notice

all the league members are requested to meet in classroom 403 on

monday(sep. 25th) at 5:00 to discuss the sports meeting.

c. telephone message

from: lilei to: tom

date: sep. 19th time: 8:00

message: please go to the museum with lilei tomorrow at 9:00 by bus.

hello, everyone. i h**e something to tell you. it is sunday tomorrow.

we're going to visit the monkey island. there we can see the animals and we'll climb the hill. we will go there by bus.

let's meet at half past seven at school gate. we'll h**e lunch at the monkey island. so please bring some food with you.

that's all. thank you.




素材: (1) proverbs:

do in rome as romans doeast or west, home is best.

rome was not built in a dayhome is where the heart is.

(2)useful structure

a. it is time for sb. to do sth. b. i would like to……

c. it takes sb. some time/ some money to do sth.

(3)good sentences

a. thank you for teaching us so well. b. best wishes for teachers' day.

c. it's really nice of youd. i hope everything goes well.

4)连词的应用:并列关系:and, as well as, or… 转折关系:but, yet, how-ever…;

时间关系:when ,while, after, before, then, after that…;

因果关系:so,there-for,as a result…;

目的:in order to,in order that,so as to, so that…;列举:for example ,such as…;

总结性:in general, in all, in a word, generally speaking…


first, a. second, b. third, c.

firstly, a. secondly, b. finally, c.

first of all, a. in addition, b. last but not least, c.


表示“接着、不久”有:soon, in a short time, shortly afterwards, soon afterwards, soon after that, before long, anon, followed by sth., it was not long before…等表示“其次”有:

in addition, besides, furthermore, moreover等

表示“个人观点”的句型有:i believe / think that…/i am greatly convinced that…

i am assured that…/in my opinion, in my view, from my point of view, to my mind等

书信常用开头有:i’m glad / pleased to hear from you./it is so great to receive your letter.

/it is such a pleasure to receive your letter of mar. 25.

i am terribly sorry to h**e taken so long to reply to your last letter.

i hope this letter finds you in good health.

7)开头:1、名人名言a proverb says, “you are only young once.”

as everyone knows, no one can deny that…

2.数字统计 according to a recent survey …/a recent statistics shows that …


obviously(此为过渡短语), we can draw the conclusion that

更多过渡短语: to sum up, in conclusion, in brief, on account of this, thus

更多句型: thus, it can be concluded that…, therefore, we can find that…

2.如此建议:accordingly, i recommend that some measures be taken.

consequently, to solve the problem, some measures should be taken.


一 掌握写作技能,知道该怎样动手。写作涉及的问题很多,除了语言各方面的问题外,还有思想内容和所用材料 组织条理 书写格式等。1 掌握各种体裁文章格式 1 记叙文 narration 这是最普遍 最基本的一种文体。写作中应遵循以下几点。1 交待要素,即人 时 地 事。2 按事件发生的先后顺序叙述完整 ...


写作小结。1 写作文体。1.书信体。特点 第。一 第二人称 以提建议 叙事为主 语言更贴近生活。例一 2011西城 假设你是某中学生英语杂志voice of students栏目的编辑mary,请你针对tony 的来信谈谈你的看法并提出建议。2.记叙文。特点 以过去时 完成时为主。考察动词的时态变化...


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