
发布 2021-04-12 14:46:28 阅读 8692


1. 毫无疑问,……there’s no doubt that………

2. 不可否认的是,……there’s no denying that ……

3. 难怪………it’s no wonder that ……no wonder that ……

4. 大家普遍认为………it’s generally believed that………

5. 一般来说,……generally speaking,……

6. 据说,……it’s said that ……

7. 据报道,……it’s reported that………

8. 众所周知,……

it’s known that………as is known, …as we all know, …

9. 在我身边,(在我周围,)…around me, …

10. 在我的生活圈子里,……in my life circle,……

11. 当今社会,在我们的日常生活中,……nowadays, in our daily life, …

12. …是我们中国人的传统美德。……is our chinese traditional virtue.

13. 。的理由是。。。

the reason why………句子)is that………

the reason for………名词)is that………

the reason is that………the reasons are that………

14. those who…….的人。。。

those who are interested please sign up for it.


15. by+doing, …can………

by taking exercises, we can always stay healthy.


16. 显然,。。显而易见,。。it’s obvious/clear that………

17. 面对。。。faced with………

faced with difficulties, we never give up.


18. 当提及到。。。when it comes to………名词/doing),

19. as senior 3 students, we are supposed to ……


20. 随着社会(经济)的发展,with the development of society / economy, …

21. 没有。。。将会变得一团糟。withoutwould be in a mess.

22. 老实说,。。to tell the truth,……to be honest, …honestly speaking, …

23. 宁愿。。。而不愿。。。更喜欢。。。而不喜欢。。。

prefer to do…….rather than do…….would rather do……than do………

24. 干某事是。。。用上形式主语或形式宾语it)

it’s a good idea (for sb. )to do sth.

it’s important/ necessary/difficult/ easy (for sb.) to do sth.

i think it important/ necessary/difficult/ easy (for sb.) to do sth.

25. 。弊大于利。……do more harm than good.

。。利大于弊。……do more good than harm.

26. 花时间 it takes sb. some time to do sth. /sb. spend some time (in) doing sth.

27. 花钱 sb. spend $ on sth. /sb. pay $ for sth. /sth. cost (sb.)


1. 对。。。有很大的影响h**e a great effect/ influence on…..make a great difference (to sb.)

2. 乐意(不乐意)干某事be willing/ unwilling to do

3. 帮助那些有困难的人help others in trouble/ in need

4. 毫不犹豫without hesitation

5. 尽力干某事。

make efforts to do sth./ spare no efforts to do sth. /do one’s best to do sth.

6. 对。。。有好处do good to ….be beneficial to…./be good for/

7. 对。。。有害do harm to……/be harmful to……/be bad for

8. 养成干。。。的习惯get into/develop/ form the habit of doing sth.

to s**e energy, we should form the habit of turning off the lights when you le**e. 为了节约能源,我们应该养成随手关灯的习惯。

9. 改掉干。。。的习惯get rid of the the habit of doing sth.

10. 有(紧密)联系be (closely) related to…..be linked to…..

11. 位于。。。be located in/ on….

12. 幸亏。。。由于。。。thanks to, …

13. 采访某人h**e an interview with sb.

14. 进行关于。。。的热烈的讨论h**e a heated discussion (about sth.)

15. 举行活动hold an activity (about sth.)

16. 做调查make/do a survey

17. 报名参加sign up (for sth.)

18. 过着幸福的生活live/lead a happy life

19. 和谐共处live in harmony/一个和谐的社会 a harmonious society

20. 社会society/ social (social problems)

21. 诚实honest/ honesty

22. 经济economy/ economic

23. 独立independent/ independence

24. 依赖depend on / rely on

25. 压力stress=pressure/ 负担burden

26. 鼓励某人干某事encourage sb. to do sth. (encouragement)

27. 承担起。。。的责任take on the responsibility of ….be responsible for….

28. 培养。。。感(幽默感/责任感)develop a sense of ……humor/responsibility/duty)

29. 沉迷于be addicted to doing sth.

30. 习惯于be accustomed to doing sth./ be used to doing sth.

31. 好好利用make good/ full use of…

32. 应该be supposed to do = should do

33. 因某事向某人道歉make an apology to sb. for sth. /apologize to sb. for sth.

34. 因某事感谢某人be grateful / thankful to sb. for sth.

35. 因某事原谅某人forgive sb. for sth. (forgiveness)

36. 因某事惩罚某人punish sb. for sth. (punishment)

37. 在。。。有天赋h**e a gift/ talent for…

38. 精通。。。掌握。。。h**e a good command of….=master…

39. 对。。。有热情h**e a passion for…./喜欢be fond of…/ 对。。。痴迷be crazy about…..

40. 结果,。。as a result, …

41. 多参加户外活动take part in more outdoor activities / 积极参加take an active part in……

42. 向某人求助turn to sb. for help

43. 在某种程度上to some extend, …

44. 坚守信念hold on one’s belief (坚定的信念strong belief)

45. 相信believe in ……h**e faith in…….

46. 坚持stick to……/insist on ……doing)

47. 占用(太多时间/空间)take up (too much time/ room)

48. 配备有be equipped with…..

49. 心与心的交谈h**e a heart-to-heart talk/ 面对面的h**e a face-to-face talk

50.提高。。。的意识raise one’s awareness of…….doing)


100个英语好句子,英语作文快速提分。100个英语好句子,英语作文快速提分。在这个迅速发展的世界里,对每个人来说,学好英语是非常重要的。同样句型包括 itisimportant necessary,difficult,convenient,possible 你工作越努力,你取得的进步就越大。1 th...


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