
发布 2021-04-11 01:22:28 阅读 2770






金豆子。there is a kind of friendship is a friend to give you往地面上撞。一道紫色的闪电像一把利剑划破了黑暗的天空,让我觉得encouragement,theresafriendshipisconvincedthateveryone不寒而栗。

叮铃铃,放学的铃声打响了,学生们打着花花绿绿的雨伞陪of you and a friendship is to help others to you。friendship着家长开愉快心地走出了校门。我又想:

中午妈妈告知我午时她有事不is to supportour hearts of optimusprime,and let meknow how能接我,叫我自我回家,想到那里我预备拿出雨伞打开来遮雨回家。可important friendship is。

是我把书包翻了个底朝天也仍然没有发觉雨伞的一个影子。我呆呆的望shout,shout,shout。winds and get every tree all in all,着天上的雷正在隆隆的想着又想道:

赶快放晴吧!可是还是无济于事,the clouds sent to do a golden bean bump on the ground。a bolt真是求每天不应,求地地不灵啊!




页。with colourful umbrella with parents happily out of school。ithink again:

my mother told me she couldn t pick me up in theafternoonatnoonandtoldmetohishome,thoughtofhereitookmy umbrella to block rain to go home。but i put the bag upsidedown andstill h**e not foundashadeofan umbrella。idull tolook at the sky the thunder is rumbling thinking thought again:

hurry to clear up! but to no **ail,is really should not everyday,praytowork!atthistimeaclearsoundbrokethesilence,xieyujie,didntyoucarryanumbrella?

youandmetogetherandgohome。myclassmatesaidamiable,iembarrassedagreed。hisumbrellaontheway homehas been on myside,thebeansof rainstraight into his,almost home his clothes wet a large,buthedoesnotcare。

returnedhomeafterthemovingmomentthought of here i can t help but recall tearful buccal。

ah!ifinallyknow,thisfriendshiphasgivenmemuchhelp!thefriendship g**e me a warm,a little help,and trust。

let meunderstand how important friendship is ah!friendship文字(二):

there are various emotions in the world。people need valuableemotions which can support them both in mind and in life。

friendship is one of the most vital emotions。


it is not easy to deal with friendship。as for friendship,sometimes you and your friend may meet difficulties。trust isthe most remarkable trait of forever friendship。

trust plays**eryimportantroleindailymunication。asthesayinggoes,between friends all ismon。furthermore,tolerance isalso a第。



friendshipistooprecious。whenwefacesomemisunderstandings,weneedtomakejointeffortstoprotectourfriendship。weshouldnot give up friendship at random。

we should treat our friendsas treasures。




friendship is so pure,clearandbeautiful。wecannot be lackof friendshipin our life。try our besttoinsist our trust in****** friends。



friendshipisakindofhumanrelations。itisahumaninstinctto make friends。when in trouble,weneedfriendstoofferushelp,supportandencouragement。

withsuccess achieved,we also need friends to share our joys。

friendship is also one of the greatest pleasures that we canenjoy。itimpliesloyalty,cordiality,sympathy,affection,and readiness to help。no man can make the most of his 第。


页。kind of friends as he goes along。

knowing how valuable friendship is,we should be very carefulin******friends。realfriendsarethosewhoh**egoodcharacter,superior ability and kindness of heart。realfriends can shareall our sorrows and double all our joys。

while ****** friends,then we should treat our friends with courtesy,be careful notto interfere unreasonably with them,and not to ridicule theirproceedings。we should forgive their failures and do our besttohelpthem。inshort,whenweh**eestablishedfriendship,only thus,can we develop real friendship and keep the sacredlamp of friendship burning all our life。


how to get along with friendsit is widely believed that keepingfriendshipis notso easy as******friends。therefore,itisimportantforustoknowhowto get along well with our friends。in order to win lifelongfriendship,we should obey the following rules。

tobeginwith,weshouldbehonestwithourfriends。lieswillsurelymakethemstayfarawayfromus。second,weshouldbeegood listenersas well sothatwe canh**e agood understandingof one another。

third,we d better be humble。if we are tooproud before our friends,we can hardly win their respect。

finally,we should not be selfish and should be ready to helpourfriendswhenevertheyareintrouble,forafriendinneedis a friend indeed。



页。we will find it easy to get on well with our friends。


about friendshipinourdailylife,ifwegetonharmoniouslywithourfriends,wellfeelmorejoyous。butwellfeellonelywithoutfriends。whenourfriendsfeelupsetorgetill,weshouldntignorethemorlookdownuponthem。

onthecontrary,weoughttocalmthemdown, overe the hardships。sometimes we may h**e ,thuswehadbetter h**e a discussion with them and try to accept their goodideasinsteadofquarrelingwiththem。aslongaswecanfollowthesegoodsuggestions,wellfinditeasytomakemorefriends。






friendship is essential for the existence of society.people livein communities and work in co operation so that they could protectthemselves from natu...


关键字 初一英语作文。friendship英语作文带翻译。friends love deeply,deeply expressed a drop of rain we watch eachother s feeling,a word represents the friendly exchanges...