
发布 2021-03-28 01:52:28 阅读 8535

这里所出现的“dial”和“hang up”是**英语里常见的用法。随着通信技术的发展,相互的沟通通过**显得越来越便捷。英语通话有其特定的语言规范,英汉**用语有一定的差异,切忌用汉语的模式来套用。

you h**e an incoming call.(你有一个来电。)·you h**e a missed call.(你有未接来电。)·the subscriber you dialed is power-off.(你所拨打的**已关机。

)·the subscriber you dialed is busy.please wait and redial.(你所拨打的**正在通话中,请稍候再拨。)·

the line is busy/the line is engaged.(线路繁忙。/占线。)下面介绍一些日常生活中较实用的**英语。

首先,请求接线员/总机接通**(asking the operator/switchboard to put you through)你可以说:

can you help me to reach sb?(能帮我接一下……吗?)·can you put me through to extension 911?

(能帮我接通分机号911吗?)·could you do me a f**or and give me extension 911。please?

(请帮我一个忙,接通分机号911好吗?)·can you connect me with...请给我接……好吗?

)i’d like to speak to sb.please put my call through to sb.(我想给……打一个**,请帮我接通。)·i’d like to place a long distance call to…(我想给……打一个长途**。)·may i speak to mr.wang?

(请问王先生在吗?)·is this...你是……吗?

)·operator,i was cut off./i’ve been disconnected.(接线员,我的**断了。)·hold the line please.ok,you are through now.receiver is on the line now.go ahead,speak up.


说吧。)其次:我们接**(answeri’ng a phone call)时,通常会说:


hello,this is...speaking.who’s calling?(你好,我是……,你是哪位?

)hello,this is...here.and who is that?(你好,我是……,你是?

)hello,human resource department.whorll am i speaking to?(你好,这里是人力资源部。你是哪位?


speaking./that’s me.(我就是。)

this is he/she(speaking).(这就是。)还有:如果你不是对方想要找的人,你可以说:

hang on/hold on/a moment,please.i’ll see if he/she is in.

请稍侯。我看一下,他/她在不在。)let me see whether i can get him/her on the phone.

我看看能不能找到他/她,让他/她听**。)·would you please hold the line just a minute?he’ll be right with you.

请稍候。他马上就来接**。)·sorry,he/she is out/not in now./sorry,but he/she is not **ailable now.(对不起,他/她不在。

)(对不起,他/她现在不方便接**。)sorry,he/she is tied up right now and couldn’t get to the phone.he/she will call you back later.

对不起,他/她现在无法分身,没办法接**。之后,他/她会给你打回去的。)·i’m afraid you’ve got/dialed a wrong number.(恐怕你打错**了。


...your phone call!/.

you are wanted on the phone!(…你的**。)there’s a phone call for you.(这有你的**。

)·somebody is asking for you on the phone.(**里有人找你。)·telephone!it’s for you.(…**!


may i take a message?(要留话儿吗?)·would you care/like to le**e a message?

(您能留个话吗?)·i’ll tell him that you called as soon as he comes back.(我会在他回来的时候告诉他你来电了。)·i’ll tell him to call you back later.(我会让他稍后给你回电。


yeah,is sidney there?(喂,请问sidney在吗?)这种打**的方式非常随便。

你也可以说:could i speak to sidney,please?(能不能请sidney听**?

)或:hello?get me sidney on the phone please.(喂?

请sidney听**。)本打算斥责一通他的这种不道德的行为,可等对方接了**他才知道**者是个女的。回答的时候,joey竟然和人家聊了起来,还说自己平时的运动也就是free weight。

所谓“free weight”其实就是举举哑铃(dumbbell)或是杠铃(barbell)什么的运动。


常常打**时,你会先报自家姓名,然后再说出通话的对象:hello!this is iohn curtain speaking.is mr.doner in?

(喂?我是john curtain。doner先生在吗?

)**接通后,如果你听出对方是谁,你可以说:is that you,mr.mailer?(是mailer先生吗?



hello,international office equipment.may i help you?(你好,国际办公设备。有什么需要帮忙的吗?

)如果是本人接**,你可以说:hello? this is john here.who’s speaking?


)当然为了省事,你也可以简单地说:this is.he/she.(我就是。)或:


如果对方要找的人不在附近,你要去看看他在不在时应该说:would you hold?i’ll see ifhe’s in.(你稍等,我去看看他在不在。

)如果对方在,你要去把他叫来时应该说:just a minute,i’ll get her.(稍等一下,我把他叫来听**。)表示“稍等”的说法还有:

hold on.;just a sec.;hang on;hold ona sec.;wait a minute.;hold the line.等。

如果对方要找的人不在,则应该说:sorry,but he’s not here at the moment.(对不起,他现在不在这儿。)或:

sorry,but he’s out.(对不起,他出去了。)如果想问对方是否留口信,可以说:can itake a message?

(要留个口信吗?)复杂一些还可以说:do you want to le**e word with me that you called?

(你想留话让我转达吗,就说你打过**了?)或:will you call back laler or i should le**eword for him to call you?


有时我们会打错**。人难免都会犯错,不是有这样一句话么:to err is human,to forgive divine.(犯错人皆难免,宽恕则属超凡。

)关键是打错**可不能一言不发就挂断,应该直接道歉:i’m sorry.i must h**e the wrong number.(抱歉,我打错了。)而接到对方打错**时可以说:

you’ve got the wrong number.(你打错了。)或:there’s no ode here bv that name.you must h**e dialed the wrong number.(这里没有这个人,你肯定打错了。

)hang up在这里的意思是“挂断**,结束**交谈。”例如:how dare you to hang up on me?

(你竟然敢挂我的**?)此外,它还有“搁置,中止,拖延,妨碍,推迟”的意思,相当于delay,postpone,put off,impede,hinder等。例如:

budget problems hung up the project for months.


另一个较常用的短语是“hang on”,它可用作**用语,意思是“别挂断”。例如:hang on.she will be on the phone in a second.(别挂断**。

她一会儿就会来接**。)日常生活中,当我们想让对方稍等片刻时,也常用“hang on”,相当于“hold on”。例如:

hang on a minute;i’m iust coming.(请稍等一下,我马上就来。)又如:hang on!

hold on!i’ll check it out for you.(稍等一下,我给你.查一下。)


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