
发布 2021-03-23 00:24:28 阅读 8972

my father is a tall, who was the father of eyelash is very he**y.

when i was ill, is he with me; whenever i exam is bad, is he comfort me; when i was sick, he g**e me medicine; when i make him angry, but he and i talk, don't say me, but and i discuss who is wrong; whenever i am naughty, don't want to come back, but he don't say me, but call me patiently, waiting for me, when i was sad, but he told me: "your character like boys, so the boy tears don't flick"; when i quarrel with my classmates, but he patiently taught me: "children should not quarrel with my classmates at school, no matter who is wrong, we should think about yourself, whether he is wrong, if not wrong, we should also do some magnanimous, as the saying goes," prime minister belly punting, we should not and students care ",when i was wrong to say, he always say it's his fault, never say it's my fault.

whenever i get mom beat, he always treats me hug, let face fell upon him. he is my father.

i think he is the best father in the world, daddy, i love you!

我的父亲是一位个子很高、睫毛很重的父亲 。





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