built in some big cities. underground railway is bothconvenient and fast. the underground railway is also called“the tube”,“the subway”or “the underground”.
there'relifts for you to go up or down. the trains' doors open too many people taking the underground, people find
地铁的好处初中英语作文篇2last week, i went to guangzhou with my friends. we wereso excited about the trip, it took us three hours to arrivein guangzhou railway station. at first, we were so confusedabout how to get out of the railway station, then we saw thebig sign which showed us to take the metro.
when we got to
the subway station, a big picture was showed in front of us,we figured out our way quickly. when we were in the metro,we counted the time, we never thought it was so quickly, wejustspenttenminutestoreachourdestination,wefoundour hotel soon. metro is so convenient, we don’t h**e to goout ofthe railway station,wejustneedto findthesubway’sentrance.
what’s more, it is very fast, unlike bus, whichwillturnaroundmanyroads,metrojustgoesthestraightline.
地铁的好处初中英语作文篇3every morning i take the subway to school. when i get onthetrain, wrong station's name. this istoobad,ih**etocountthestationsorlookoutofthe
train window so that i know where to get off. but sometimesican't seethe station's name on the sign at the platformbecause the train is too crowded. so it is difficult for meto know where i make matters worse, when the same thinghappens to foreigners or people from outside beijing, theyalways get off at the wrong station and lose their way.
thesubway does make life more convenient for us; it is fast in the near future.
一 考点简介。中考作文分值占15分。从近三年广东英语中考试题中书面表达的考查来看,其写作的题体裁多以议论性的文章为主 本题型涉及的内容比较贴近学生的生活,词数上是保持一致性的,都是80个左右。二 写作技巧。一审 即审题。主要是看清楚题目要求,读懂题目所表达的含义,抓住要点,注意文体是什么,准备写作的...
初中英语。写作训练专项。题型概述 中考英语书面表达的分值为15分,是一道检查考生使用英语表述自己观点能力的综合性试题,也是大多数考生头疼的大题。英语写作既考察学生的词汇 语法等基础知识,也测试学生对提供材料的分析能力 语言组织能力 表达能力 以及语言的综合能力和思维想象能力,是综合性极强的测试。写作...
将情感教育渗透于英语教学中方法应用。自 3 e d u 教育网 情感教育是素质教育的一个层面。情感因素,在学习活动中具有与智力因素同等重要的地位。着名学者朱小蔓教授认为 情绪 情感是人类精神生活中最重要的组成部分,是人类经验中最亲近的体验。情感教育是现代学校素质教育不可忽视的重要方面和核心内容,它在...