高二英语 必修五第四单元练习

发布 2021-03-18 22:48:28 阅读 2812



1. 我不赞成在床上读书。(approve of)

2. 我和俱乐部主席明天下午三点钟有个约会。(h**e an appointment)

3. 我们提前三天完成了任务。(ahead of)

4. 总编要求所有的**要再一次进行编辑。(demand,edit)

5. 老板指责他的雇员没有全神贯注于他们的工作。(accuse …of; concentrate on)

6. 当被告知他们成功时,他非常高兴。(inform…of; delighted)

7. 你的**能否发表要看你正确的描述乡村生活。(publish;depend on; accurate; description)

8. 我们的记者正在评估这些变化的效果。(journalist; assess; effect)

9. 如果你卷入他们的争吵,你将会陷入两难的境地。(get involved in; get into a dilemma)

10. 谁能帮助我更新我的电脑程序。(assist; update; program)

11. 那个人否认他有罪。(deny; guilty)

12. 为了在最后期限前递交报告,他不得不长时间地工作。(submit; deadline; work long hours)

13. 我怀疑他们刚才说到的和平进程。(be skeptical about; peace process)

14. 面对指控,他一言不发。(be faced with; accusation; make no answer)

参***:1. i don’t approve of reading in bed.

2. i h**e an appointment with the chairman of the club at 3 tomorrow afternoon.

3. we completed the assignment three days ahead of time.

4. the chief editor demanded that all the photographs should be edited again.

5. the boss accusded his employees of not concentrating on their work.

6. when he was informed of their success, he was delighted.

7. whether your novel will be published depends on your accurate description of the countrylife.

8. our journalists are assessing the effects of the changes.

9. if you get involved in their quarrel, you will get into a dilemma.

10. who can assist me to update my computer program?

11. that man denied that he was guilty.

12. he had to work long hours so as to submit the report before the deadline.

13. i am skeptical of the peace process they mentioned just now. \

14. faced with accusation, he made no answer.


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