
发布 2021-03-18 04:53:28 阅读 6385


offer 报盘,**。

to offer for 对。**。

to make an offer for 对。报盘。

firm offer 实盘。

non-firm offer 虚盘。

to forward an offer (or to send an offer) 寄送报盘。

to get an offer(or to obtain an offer) 获得。报盘。

to accept an offer 接受报盘。

to entertain an offer 考虑报盘。

to give an offer 给。报盘。

to submit an offer 提交报盘。

official offer 正式**。

quote **。

quotation **。

preferential offer 优先报盘。

cost of production 生产费用。

reasonable 合理的。

competitive 有竞争性的。

the preference of one's offer 优先报盘。

wild speculation 漫天要价。

subject to 以。为条件,以。为准。

offer subject to our written acceptance 以我方书面接受为准的报盘。

offer subject to sample approval 以样品确定后生效为准的报盘。

offer subject to our final confirmation 以我方最后确认为准的报盘。

offer subject to export/import license 以获得出口(进口)许可证为准的**。

offer subject to prior sale 以提前售出为准的报盘。

offer subject to goods being unsold 以商品未售出为准的报盘。

offer subject to your reply reaching here 以你方答复到达我地为准的报盘。

offer subject to first **ailable steamer 以装第一艘轮船为准的报盘。

to extend an offer 延长报盘。

to renew an offer 或 to reinstate an offer 恢复报盘。

to withdraw an offer 撤回报盘。

to decline an offer 或 to turn down an offer 谢绝报盘。

unacceptable 不可接受的。

workable 可行的。

at wide intervals 间隔时间太长。

make headway 有进展。

counter-offer 还盘,还价。

offeror 发价(盘)人。

offerer 发价人,报盘人。

offeree 被发价人。

offering **物。

offer letter **书。

offer sheet **货物单。

offer list/book **单。

offer price 售价。

offering date **有效期限。

offering period **日。

concentration of offers 集中报盘。

combined offer 联盘,搭配报盘。

lump offer 综合报盘(针对两种以上商品)

例句。we h**e the offer ready for you.


we'll let you h**e the official offer next monday.


we are in a position to offer tea from stock.


we can offer you a quotation based upon the international market.


my offer was based on reasonable profit, not on wild speculations.


moreover, we've kept the price close to the costs of production.


let me make you a special offer.


you'll see that our offer compares f**orably with the quotations you can get elsewhere.


this offer is based on an expanding market and is competitive.


our offers are for 3 days.


we h**e extended the offer as per as your request.


the offer holds good until 5 o'clock 3nd of january, 2017, beijing time.


all prices in the price lists are subject to our confirmation.


it is difficult to quote without full details.


i'll respond to your counter-offer by reducing our price by three dollars.


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