
发布 2021-03-16 05:39:28 阅读 5834


let i respect people h**e many, many, but most people irespect or mgrandmother.

remember i wa5 yearold, i waipojia play. one day,mgrandmother told me to go with her to burice, ireadilagreed. i came along, and grandma grandma boughtmeters, g**e the shopkeeper 50 yuan of money, but the ownerchange, grandma g**e one hundred and two yuan.

look atgrandma'hand money, msweet pink-fleshed radish beauty:grandma now without moo buthe meterare made fiftyuan, ha ha,thiireallnothing...

boss, you give money, you should give me 12 yuan, butyou g**e 100 yuan."

oh, how silly! i in white grandmother. in the ownerthanked him repeatedly, we left the store.

on the way, i wonder to ask mgrandmother: "grandma,whdo you want to return the moo him?" hearing this, thegrandmother said:

"a la hora people doing businesinot eastomake money, $one hundred ithe number of how much ah, youthink about it, if you did not h**e worked so hard to earnmoney, will you?"

i blush with shame. mgrandmother ia worthof mstudy, whodeservemrespect!








mother ia worth let me respect. mmother of mediumheight, hiforehead with shallow wrinkles, fine eyes, longhair with thilight faint scent. with a sweet smile, a kind.

mother often education i to be honest, not showed,cultivate mcharacter at an earlage. remember once, it waahot summer. mmother and i at home, i write mhomework in theroo mforehead rolled bean big sweat, i'm verthirsty, iasked mmother:

"mom, i'm thirsty, want to eat popsicle."mother said: "ok!

i'll buy." mother picked up the the place where sell popsicle, i sato sell popsicle aunt:"auntie!

buy!" aunt said: "what fl**or do you want?

astrawberry, chocolate, peach, lemon fl**or, the taste...ichose four lemon fl**or, chocolate two root, peach fl**or,aunt said to me: "a total of seven dollars.

" mother fromthe wallet took out ten yuan, aunt give money, mmother andi are carrying popsicle back home. at home, i eat whilewatching tv, mother suddenlenlighted, said: "yi!

busevenpopsicle, should be not three yuan, how much to repair theone yuan?" i heard the mother saso, then i said to himother:mom, aunt mabe busin a yuan of money, give me the one yuan,ok?

"mother scathinglsato me:" not good! thiithe aunt'money,mother to return the moo aunt!

"mom, ia man worthof mrespect! i dozen the in the mindadmire mother! mom, i love you!













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