
发布 2021-03-16 05:35:28 阅读 1321


i'm most unforgettable. there are many things i've forgotten for along time. but what i can't forget most is that my mother, whose face ismelonseeds, one meter and four.


oneday,whenmymotherwascooking,icametoeatmymother'' mother living at home all day without rest. my heart flowed a senseof never h**ing had.


later, i helped my mother to do he**y work every day. she carriedcorn, and i carried corn too. from then on, my mother would be so tired.



hi! i h**e a good news. i learned to wash dishes.




today, as soon as i walked into the kitchen, i saw a mess of dirtydishes. i thought to myself: i must clean the dishes.

i want my motherto teach me a demonstration. i can't wait to start washing the i soaked the bowl for a while, then soaked the dishcloth. then,i squeezed a properamount ofdetergent,like a smallsnake, and stirredit for a while.

the bubbles are crowded and squeezed, like bubbles fromsmall fish. then i took a rag in one hand, a bowl in my hand and a smalltune in my mouth. the bowl was cleanly cleaned by me, and the bowl wash the bowl.

the baby who had just bathed in the evening was brightand bright.


looking at the fruits of my work, i feel happy.写事的英语作文带翻译3


i'm very happy today, because today is "61" children's day.


wearewearingbeautifulclothes,dancingandsingingonthestage,how happy! the bird is chirping in the tree. it seems to accompany little tree shakes its le**es happily, the le**es rustle.

littleflowers bloom beautifully, just like our smiling faces.


ah, what a happy "61" festival!



写人的英语作文我的姐姐 带翻译

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