is it good for students to do some housework。
some people think studengts need not do any housework。they think the only thing students need do is to studywell。
i don’t think so。it is good for students to dosome housework for three reason。
firstly,to do some housework can make youindependent。you can’t depend on others all your life。so,you should learn to do some housework now。
secondly,to do some housework can keep you healthyand strong,some hard housework can be regarded as a kindof physical exercise。
finally,to do some housework can share your parents’work。they must be happy if you say” h**e a rest ,and iwill do the housework”
so i think it is good for students to do somehousework。
after dinner,my first job was to get the dirty dishesto the kitchen。then i began to wash them。i turned onthe tap and water covered all the dishes in the sink。
theni added some detergent to the water。maybe i put toomuch,so it was full of bubbles in the sink。it was justlike a bubble bath for dishes and bowls。
i caught a bowlto wash。it was slippery。"pang!
" the bowl slipped frommy fingers。it dropped into the sink and broke anotherbowl and a dish。it was terrible!
there was only one dishleft。in the end,my mother cleared the pieces and helpedme clean the dishes。i think i'll do a better job nexttime。
is it good for students to do some housework
secondly,to do some housework can keep you healthyand strong,some hard housework can be regarded as a kindof physical exercise。
finally,to do some housework can share your parents’work。they must be happy if you say” h**e a rest ,and iwill do the housework”
so i think it is good for students to do somehousework。
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