
发布 2021-03-14 22:53:28 阅读 1114













test 1



1. how are you, bob?

ted.a. how are youb. i’m fine. thank you.

c. how do you dod. nice to meet you.


2. thank you for your help.

a. my pleasureb. never mind

c. quite rightd. don’t thank me.


3. hello, i’m harry potter.

hello, my name is charles green, but___

a. call my charlesb. call me at charles.

c. call me charlesd. call charles me.


4. paul

oh, that’s my father! and beside him, my mother.

a. what is the person over there

b. who’s talking over there

c. what are they doing

d. which is that


5. hi, tom, how is everything with you?

and how are you?

a. don’t mention itb. hm, not too bad.

c. thanksd. pretty fast.


6. that’s a beautiful dress you h**e on!

a. oh, thanks. i got it yesterdayb. sorry, it’s too cheap.

c. you can h**e itd. see you later.


7. why didn’t you come to my birthday party yesterday?

a. excuse me, my friend sent me a flower.

b. fine, i never go to birthday parties.

c. ha…ha, i don’t like birthday parties.

d. sorry, but my wife had a car accident.


8. hi, welcome back! had a nice trip?

a. oh, fantastic! fresh air, and sunshine every day.

b. come on, i’ve got lots of fun.

c. by the way, i don’t like saturdays.

d. well, i’ll look forward to your phone call.


9. h**en’t seen you for ages! what are you busy doing now?

a. i hate the weather here.

b. my hair is getting a bit longer.

c. yeah, thanks for coming.]

d. i am working part time in a bookshop, you know.


10. marilyn, i’m afraid i h**e to be le**ing now.

a. that sounds wonderfulb. oh, so early.

c. not at alld. good luck!



passage 1

the french revolution broke out in 1789. at the time france was in a crisis. the government was badly run and people’s lives were miserable.

king louis xiv tried to control the national parliament and raise more taxes. but his effort failed. he ordered his troops to versailles.

the people thought that louis intended to put down the revolution by force. on july 14,1789, they stormed and took the bastille, where political prisoners were kept. ever since that day, july 14 has been the french national day.

louis tried to flee the country in 1792 to get support from austria and prussia. however, he was caught and put in prison. in september 1792, the monarchy was abolished.

in the same year, louis was executed. a few months later his wife, marie also had her head cut off. the revolution of france had frightened the other kings of europe.

armies from austria and prussia began to march against france. the french raised republican armies to defend the nation. the revolution went through a period of terror.

thousands of people lost their lives. in the end, power passed to napoleon bonaparte. (190 words)






11. what’s this passage about? 这篇文章主要讲了什么?

a. franceb. king louis.

c. the french revolutiond. europe.


12. which did not happen in 1789? 以下那件事不是发生在2023年?

a. the french revolution broke out.

b. the national economy was developing rapidly.

c. the government wasn’t well run.

d. king louis xiv was in power.


13. where were the political prisoners kept? 那些政治犯被关押在**?

a. in versailles. b. in austria c. in prussia. d. in bastille.

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