
发布 2021-03-03 16:34:28 阅读 7922







as is vividlydepicted in the picture...as is portrayed in theenlightening picture,..as is unfolded in the pictureabove, we can see that...

asisshowninthepicture,wecanseeclearlytherelationshipbetween...and...in the picture presented to us, we can see...

the picture symbolically depicts that...

the terrible scene depicted in thecartoon shows that ..the picture vividly shows...

the above two pictures h**e shaped contrast to each other. as is shown inthefirst drawing,..in contrast,..

inonepicture, .but in the other, .

the moststriking feature of the drawing is ..

the purposeof the picture is to show us that...we can deduceform this picture that...二、扩展段基本要求:


on the one hand, many people hold a view that...on the other hand, others argue that...

this picture does reflect a thought-provoking social phenomenon that...the picture conveys a deep and soul-stirring meaning.


the drawing sets us thinking too much due to...

it is most likely that the drawer means to compare...to ..in the drawingandreflect a problem in ..

for one thing,..for another,..it can be easily spotted that...

it goes without saying that the picture indicates that...obviously, the picture indicates that...

undoubtedly, the picture arouses deep concern over the issue of...

sample as it is, the meaning conveyed by the picture is clear and profound.三、结尾段。

提出看法,常用句型:what it comes to...

my opinion about this cultural phenomenon is that...in sum, it is essential for us to...

therefore, it is imperative that we should take some effective measures. the society become more harmonious to live.

the answer seems self-evident: what we should learn...

numerous examples can demonstrate the power of a positive attitude.

only by...can we demonstrate grace under pressure and turn our dreamsintoreality.

we can frequently use the drawings to enlighten people to...it is, therefore, necessary that some effective steps be made to...all things considered, i hold that...



generally,ingeneral,generallyspeaking,asageneralrule,totaketheaboveopinion to an extreme, to take the idea further, to some extent;as for me, as faras i am concerned, in my opinion, on alarger scale, in one sense, in a way,undoubtedly,obviously,intermsof,inconclusion,inaword,insummary,inbrief,to sum up, on the whole, to conclude...2、比较对比关系过渡词语。

incommon,inthesameway,thesameas,like,likewise,similarly,equallyimportant,whereas,yet,but,however,nevertheless,otherwise,onthecontrary,ontheonehand,ontheotherhand,ratherthan,conversely,instead,in/by contrast...3、列举关系过渡词语。

suchas,asanexample,forexample,forinstance,asacaseinpoint,thus,firstand foremost, last but not least, first of all, in the first place,to start with,tobeginwith,also,next,besides,moreover,furthermore,whatismore,inaddition(to that), for one thing, for another thing, eventually, finally,initially...4、因果关系过渡词语。

as, for, since, hence, therefore, accordingly, consequently, due to, owingto,thanks to, because (of), on account of, result in (from),as a result of, asaconsequence, for the reason that...5、让步关系过渡词语。

although, despite, after all, granted that, even though, in spite of...6、强调关系过渡词语。

especially,particularly, above all, most important of all,surely,certainly,obviously, no doubt, to be sure, in deed, in fact, even worse,needless to say,anyway...




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