
发布 2021-03-02 11:23:28 阅读 6769


aftermanyyears’learningofsecondlanguage,h**eyouenjoyed learning it?i bet most of your guys will say no, becausesecond language is like a curse bounding to you, since we go toschool, we just can’t get rid of it. actually, if we learn to enjoythebeauty of language, we will find its power.

the power of languageexpresses in its function. language makes people from all languages, it is hard for them to understand each other,while the power of language connects people together, english isthe worldwide language, people h**e the idea to learn the as the second language, so there is no problem for for people to understand each other, its power is so strong.





it is believed that the one who is with beautiful outlook willh**emorechancestobesuccessful,everyonewantstoh**eperfect outlook. recently, the topic of only the good looking onehasyouthbecomespopular, no one will deny the importance of outlook, the one whodenies it may be he is jealous. though outlook is important, itcan’t decide everything, our effort is also important.

if the onewho is just caring about his face, ignoring other factors, he doesnot pay attention to the inside, the beautiful face will not help himgo further. on the contrary, the outlook is a gift from the god,but only we work hard to improve ourselves, can we make thisgift more precious. we must learn that beautiful outlook providesus an easy way to be successful, but if we don’t improve ourselves,we will be kicked out any time.





thoughwearetoldthatalcoholisdangerous,especiallydriving a car after drinking alcohol, we can see the news aboutcar accidents because of the driver drinking alcohol everyday, stillpeople ignore the danger of drinking alcohol. life is precious, noone will take responsibility of our lives except ourselves. drinkingtoo much will do harm to our body, even if you don’t cherish yourlife, while when you drive the car after drinking, you will take awayother people’s lives.

that is unforgivable, people h**e a happyfamily,theydiebecauseofyourcarelessdriving,andyouwillnever h**e a chance to make up. our government is very strict tothe driver, the law clearly claims that drinking driver will be he**ilypunished. in order to make sure other people’s safety, we shouldnot drive the car after drinking alcohol, or we ask friends to takeus home.




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