环球英语 句子

发布 2021-02-28 20:25:28 阅读 8673

第一部分:general sentences

1. here is something to get your teeth into.2. it stands to reason.

3. i’ve looked for it all over the shop.4.

he’s giving her the once-over .5. i raised the bar.

6. that’s out of thin air.

beauty is bred in her bone.8. let‘s cut the cackle.9. he is the cat‘s whiskers.

10. he is on the crest of a w**e.

第二部分:idiom explanation

1. get one’s teeth into something处理某事,专心做某事。

例句:here is something to get your teeth into.有些事情就由你来处理吧。

1)i want a job that i can get my teeth into.我希望有一个我能潜心去做的工作。2)now that you know what the job is, here is something to get your teeth into.

见你对这项工作有所了解,这些工作就由你来处理吧。2. stand to reason明摆着的。

例句:it stands to reason.这是人人都清楚的。

1)it stands to reason that nobody will work without pay.做工作不能白做,这是明摆着的事。

2)it stands to reason that the score is very important to the students.分对于学生是很重要的,这是人人都清楚的。3.

all over the shop到处。

例句:i’ve looked for it all over the shop.我到处都找过了。

1)i’ve looked for it all over the shop. but still i can’t find it.我到处都找过了,可还是找不到。

2)your clothes lay all over the shop. it’s no strange that you are always looking forsomething.


4. give someone/something the once-over看某人/某事一次例句:he’s giving her the once-over .


1)the bike was bad before buying it .but he didn’t find it because he just g**e it theonce-over before buying it.

自行车买前就是坏的,没发现是因为买前他只是草草看了一下。2)she felt they were giving her the once-over.她感到他们在打量着她。

5. raise the bar更上一层楼,升职例句:i raised the bar.


1)i am washed up after a long day's he**y work, but it rewards me and i raise the barnow

每天繁重的工作都让我筋疲力尽,但付出终究是有回报的,我升职了。2)congratulations on your raising the bar.祝贺你更上一层楼。

6. out of thin air无中生有。

例句:that’s out of thin air.那简直是无中生有。

1)which one?who has written such news?that‘s really out of thin air!


2)all the words about john are out of thin air. he will still work in our company.所有john的消息都是谣传。

他仍将工作在我们公司。7. be bred in one’s bone天生的。

例句:her beauty is bred in her bone.她天生丽质。

1)beauty is not bred in my bone,but i still h**e my happiness. god is fair toeveryone.

我虽生的不漂亮,可我拥有自己的幸福。上帝对每一个人都是公平的。2)someone‘s wisdom is bred in his bone.

but for us,success is made up of 1% of

genius and 99% of deligence.


8. cut the cackle少说废话,别闲扯。

例句:let‘s cut the cackle.我们别闲扯了。

1)cut the cackle!i will surely help you!but what do you want me to do?


2)cut the cackle!what’syour suggetion?speak out!yes or no is only i want!

别闲扯!你什么意思?直说!我只想要行还是不行!9. the cat‘s whiskers了不起的人。

例句:he is the cat‘s whiskers.他是个了不起的人。

1)you are always thinking that you’re the cat‘s whiskers!h**e you ever thoughtabout me?


2)john is the cat’s whiskers in this task. our success has so muchto do with give him a big hand for thanks!


the crest of a w**e最走运或最成功的时候。

例句:he is on the crest of a w**e.他正是最走运的时候。

1)one of my friends is on the crest of a w**e. recently he has got an increase on hispay,promotion in his rank,and what is the most important is that he has gotengagement with his girlfriend


2)why h**en’t i been on the crest of a w**e?when will it come?why i‘m sounlucky while others so lucky?

god is so unfair!



get one’s teeth into something处理某事,专心做某事out of thin air无。

中生有。stand to reason明摆着的be bred in one’sbone天生的。

all over the shop到处cut the cackle少说废话,别闲扯。

give someone/something the once-over看某人/某事一次the cat‘s whiskers了不起的人。

raise the bar更上一层楼,升职on the crest of a w**e最走运的时候。


please find out which idioms we learned are used in the following description.)c**in在公司是个很了不起的人,工作勤劳踏实,大家都清楚他的升职是早晚的事情!


10 垃圾污染环境,损害健康,不要到处扔垃圾。11 it sourdutytoprotectourenvironment。保护我们生存的环境是我们的责任和义务。12 thewastewaterwillpourintorivers,废水流到河里,湖里和田野里,污染农作物,杀死大量的鱼。13 it se...


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