
发布 2021-02-25 22:20:28 阅读 6675

nowadays television has become an important part in our daily life. more and more children spend more and more time watching more and more tv programs. i think watch too much tv is not good.

紅色這句有錯,應改為i do not think watching too much tv is a good thing./i think that it is bad for the children to watch too much tv.(think的賓語從句的否定必須提前到謂語動詞,這是規定,而且我建議最好是用後面這種表達方式,明確寫出think的賓語從句,並且用it做形式賓語,又引導從句的it is +adj for sb to do sth 結構。


children gain knowledge and obtain information from tv. watching tv is a good way of relaxation. 有錯,way後面的搭配沒有of+n的用法,應改為to relax .

(the way to do sth表示做成什麼什麼的方法,做什麼什麼的方式;the way to sp表示去某地點的路)but, watching tv does harm to children’s eyes. they may lack exercises. 有錯,(lack最好用作形容詞,所以最好用be lack of 這個形容詞搭配,改為they may be lack of exercises).

they waste a lot of time and it affects their study. 有錯,(他們浪費了大量時間,而且這影響了他們的學習,動詞時態混亂,分句主語不一致,應改為it is a waste of time and it may hinder their study.) family members are not as close as before.

some programs are not suitable for children. (如果是我,我會直接同suit的動詞用法,改為some programs do not suit children.) children may treat what they see on tv as reality.

(有錯,動詞時態,孩子們可能會把電視裏看到的當作事實,是已經看到的,過去一直持續到現在還可能繼續持續並對現在造成了影響,應該用現在完成時,所以應改為children may treat what they h**e seen on tv as reality.)


in my opinion(最後一段發表自己觀點的時候用來引領全段,提出自己的觀點,此處可以把第一段的第三句放進來。),children should watch less tv and the programs should be healthy.(我不說這句有錯,但是最好分成兩個獨立的分句來寫,因為邏輯主語不一致,改一下最好,不改也沒有什麼太大的問題) parents should guide their children.

總結:第三段發表自己的個人觀點,首先用in my opinion/as i am concerned/as for me.等等固定短語引起整段,此段不需要詳細闡述,只要簡單表明觀點總結即可。

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