高中英语作文 新学期计划

发布 2021-02-23 23:42:28 阅读 9911

times goes fast, my second year of high school is coming soon. in the first year, i got used to the new environment and kept focusing on my study. i felt like something was lost in my life, because i was too busy and did not h**e time to read novel books.

so in the new semester, i must make a plan to better adjust my life pace. firstly, i need to study the subjects well, because it is my first job as a student. as this important stage will decide my future to some degree, so keeping up with other students is my main goal.

secondly, i must spare some time to read extra books, which will broaden my horizon and enrich my mind. it can also help me to take relax from great pressure. the plan slows down my life pace.






又是一个新学期了,没办法,一想到学习计划,我脑中浮现的就是 新学期 这三个字。下面是关于新学期新学习计划高中的内容,欢迎阅读!暑假生活已经过去,新的学期已经到来,我们满载着丰收的喜悦,步入了满怀憧憬的新学期,我们又将投入到紧张而又1充实的校园生活中。我们要定好目标,执着信念,永不言败,一起因目标而努...


寒假高中英语学习计划,高中英语学习计划。词近义词辨析。如果有同学觉得,背单词还要自己拓展释义,还要自己配例句等等,这样太麻烦,自学也太枯燥的话,也可以选择参加我们沪江网校的 高考英语核心词汇精讲班 在老师的带领下,和全国各地的高中生一起学习。要采取分而治之的战略,对各个语法专项进行一个系统的复习和梳...


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