
发布 2021-02-23 19:01:28 阅读 3910


early in the morning, before i go to school, i need to h**e my breakfast. mymother pays special attention to my breakfast, she tells me that i should keep mydiet balance, so that my body will be strong and grow taller. i drink milk and h**e anegg, sometimes i will h**e meat porridge.

thanks to my mother, now my body is well.一大早,在我上学前,我需要吃早餐。我的妈妈特别注重我的早餐,她告诉我应该保持饮食平衡,这样我的身体就能变得强壮,长得更高。



today is my mother’s birthday. she is 40 years old, she is very beautiful. i usemy pocket money to buy a small birthday cake, and i make a birthday card too.

theyare my gifts to my mother. in the evening, i put the candles on the cake, surprise say: “happy birthday to you!

” she is very happy.





i h**e a deskmate, her name is xiao li. we met each other when the semesterbegan. xiao li is a nice girl, she helps me with many things.

when i meet thedifficulty in the homework, she will help me to solve it. when i am not feeling well,she will take care of me. xiao li is so kind to me, i am so thankful to her.




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