
发布 2021-02-22 11:55:28 阅读 4837


数据表达】1 +make up/ account for/ represent/comprise + 数据;

2 the percentage/ proportion/ number/ amount of + stand at/ is +数据;

3 a higher than **erage proportion + be+具体情况。


1) the percentage of a doubles/ triples, from xx to xx.

2) the proportion of a (xx%) is twice/three times as much as that of b.

3) the percentage of a is twice more than that of b (xx%).


1. the biggest difference is at +项目名称。

2. 1 outnumbered 2

3. a is matched by b. a与b相等。

4. the percentage of a is the largest, followed by …

5. xx make up/ represent the major part, at/ being +数据。

6. h**e a higher percentage of 角度+ at + 百分比。


1. 保持不变:

+ levelled off at +数据。

+ did not change much.

+ remained unchanged.

+ stabilized at +数据。

2. 波动:

+ fluctuated around +数据。

+ showed/ witnessed + fluctuation between … and …

+ grew/ fell + with fluctuation

3. 超过:

the rise/ increase continued in the following years, overtaking / surpassing / exceeding that of xx in xx年; xx上升过程中超过xx


1. the consumption of fish also declined, but much less significantly to just below 50 grams.

2. the consumption of chicken, on the other hand, showed an upward trend.

3. other workers‘ salaries saw a fall from 28% in 1981 to only 15% of spending in 2001.

4. there was a dramatic increase in mobile calls from 2 billion to 46 billion minutes.


the birds‘ population increased to the peak of about 126 million in 1980.


the birds‘ population decreased to the bottom of about 126 million in 1980.

地图:首段:改写。the maps show how a town/ city/ school area has changed during xx-year period.

body 1:第一个时间的图。重点说:图正**有什么,四周分别有什么。有方向带方向,没方向正常罗列即可。

body 2:第二个时间的图。

重点说:the most noticeable changes are about …【从无到有&从有到无的变化的地方或建筑名称的罗列】in details, 具体说谁出现了。然而谁消失了。

the second significant ones are on …/another area that has a lot of changes is …【扩建或缩小的建筑或地方名称的罗列】具体说谁扩建了,谁缩小了。

there are also other changes. 其它变化【移动】

动词:出现】appear(主动), add, build, construct.(这三个被动)



减小】reduce(被动), shrink(主动)

移动】move, relocate (均被动)

结尾:简单总结未变(整体or 部分细节。)


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