
发布 2021-04-26 02:46:28 阅读 8230



go up, ascend, grow ,climb up

increase, rise, (v / n)

show an upward trend

增加了 increase by…

增加到 increase to…

2. 急剧上升,大幅度上升:

1).jump, shoot up, surge, soar (不加修饰语)

2).go up / ascend / grow / increase / rise / climb up +

sharply / rapidly / dramatically / drastically /steeply/ significantly/ substantially

3. 小幅度上升:

go up / ascend / grow / increase / rise/ climb up +

modestly / slightly / marginally /


experience a slight growth in…

4. 平稳上升,逐渐上升:

go up / ascend / grow / increase / rise

gradually / consistently / steadily / slowly / step by step


v / n :decrease, decline, fall, drop

v. go down, descend, sink

show a downward trend 表现出下降的趋势。

6. 急剧下降,大幅度下降:

1). plummet / plunge (不加修饰语)

骤然跌落, **,骤降


7. 小幅度下降:


8. 平稳下降,逐渐下降:



fluctuate vfluctuation n.

用法:fluctuate between …and

fluctuate over the period 2004-2006

fluctuate over 4 years/ during the year

名词用法:rise with some fluctuations

10. 保持平稳,平衡,静止不动:

1). level off at, level out at +数字/百分比(平衡、稳定)

2). hover at , stabilize at, reach a plateau at …(稳定时期,停滞时期)

3)remain / stay/ keep + stable/steady/ unchanged + at…



a +is…times +as+ adj.原级+as +b

a +is…times+ adj.比较级+than +b

a +is…times+ the size/length/height/width/depth +of + b

the size/length/height/width/depth… +of+ a+ is…times of +b

the +n.…+is …times+ what从句。


this table is 3 times as big as that one.

this table is 2 times bigger than that one.

this table is 3 times the size of that one.

the size of this table is 3 times of that one.


the output of this year is 3 times what it was in 2006.

2. 一半:half,50%

adj. half the apples are bad.

n. half of the apples are bad.

adv. my work is not half done yet.


about,around, roughly, in the rough,

in the neighborhood of, approximately,


just over…, just under…, or so,

例:around / roughly / approximately 20

in the neighborhood of 20

20 or so, 20 in the rough


percentage, proportion , ratio , share

成比例 be in ratio

不成比例 be out of ratio , be ill-proportioned

成正比 be in direct ratio

成反比 be in reverse ratio

the ratio of a to b is x to y.

the ratio of pupils to teachers is 30 to 1.




reach the maximum / the largest part of…

peak at…

reach the peak at…

reach the highest point at…

2. 小,跌到最小值,达到最低点:

reach the minimum / the smallest part of

bottom out at …

reach the bottom at…

reach the lowest point at…

3.多于…more than …,over…, above…,

exceed, surpass, overtake, -v.

4.少于…less than…, fewer than…

under…, below…, within…,

5. 相同和相似:

相同。be identical / the same with …

the same is true of ..也有同样情况, 也适用于…

in the same way, in like manner, be equal to…

be a likeness, be a similarity, equally,


more or less alike, roughly the same,

show great resemblance,

be basically the same as…

相同点: similarity n.

6. 不同:

be different = be of great difference

be different from …

be contrary to …

differ from …,vary from…

不同,变化difference, variation, change n.

句型 a, unlike / as opposed to / as distinct from b, has experienced some changes over this period.


1. 达到多少数量:

reach, hit,

come to, stand at(表示最开始的数值是多少),

arrive at, amount to,

2. 占多少比例:

occupy, represent, constitute,make up, take up, account for,3.由…组成 ,包括几部分:

be made up of…, be composed of…,consist of …

comprise…= be comprised of …

4. 分别:

respectively, separately, :常放在句尾。

female part-timers and housewives h**e 40 and 50 hours of leisure time, respectively.

5.比较:类比:similarly, likewise,

对比:unlike…, conversely,

in / by contrast , on the contrary,

in comparison,

句型:a was on a sharp rise, while / whereas /whilst b remained steady all these years.

6. 分类,分组:

名词: classes, types, groups, divisions, sorts, aspects, parts, categories

动词:…be classified into four groups

…be divided into two categories

…may be graded according to… /on the basis of…/ depending on…


图表作文常用表达总结 10种趋势类。1.上升,增加 go up,ascend,grow climb up increase,rise,v n show an upward trend 增加了 increase by 增加到 increase to 2.急剧上升,大幅度上升 1 jump,shoot ...


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