高考英语选择题突破 13

发布 2021-02-22 06:08:28 阅读 6192

十三。traffic problem we are looking forward to seeing __should h**e attracted the localgovernment’s attention.

a. solving b. solvec. to solve d. solved

选d。本题主要考查学生分析句子的成分和掌握结构的能力。we are looking forward to seeing是定语从句修饰先行词the traffic problem,同时充当seeing的宾语,而用solved作宾补,表示被动,即see the traffic problem solved。

2.—he ought to h**e been warned of the dangerbut he just wouldn’t listen to me.

a. so ought he b. so he wasc. so was he d. so he had

选b。ought to h**e been warned of表示“本应该被告诫有危险”,是对过去动作的推测,因此回答也应该用过去时。a的构成形式不对。

而so he was必须与第一句谓语动词h**e been一致。

cruelty of the terrorists towards the two chinese engineers in pakistan and __of theterrorists towards america in september 11, filled everyone with those b. that c. one d.


it was not until she had arrived home __her appointment with the did she remember b. that she rememberedc. when she remembered d.

had she remembered

选b。本题考查对not until从句的强调句型,其结构为:it is/was+被强调部分+that部分。

4.—these boxes are too he**y for me to move.—here, i’ll give you a hand __forb.

toc. with d. by

选c。答语中的“them” 指前一句中的“boxes”,而不指任何人, sth.意为“帮某人做某事”。

5. help has already come from them, but the aid is __near what we everywhereb. somewherec.

anywhered. nowhere

选d。nowhere near是一个固定短语,意为“远不是”。

6.—would you like to go to the cinema with me this evening?

i’d like to, but i won’t be free tonight. let’s make __some other itb. themc.

you d. this



) b: all right, i guess i can make it.(没关系,我想我赶得上。

)7. you h**e made a few spelling mistakes in your composition, but __it is fairly on the wholeb. generally speakingc.

above alld. on one hand

选a。on the whole意为“大体上,总体上”;generally speaking意思是“一般而言”;above all意思是“尤其是”;而on one hand意思是“一方面”,经常与on the other (hand)连用。8.

i hear mr. smith was writing a story last year and he still __a. dob.

doesc. is d. am



9.—why do you want the book so much?—_sir.

a. studying b. studiedc. studies d. to study


10. _that they are inexperienced, they h**e done a good giving b. to give c.

given d. if given


__you may be right , i can’t agree whileb. as c. ifd.


选a。while用作从属连词时,可表示“尽管、虽然”,引导一个让步状语从句。12. -you or he the teacher of english?

---neither my sister nor my motherpresent at the are; isb. is; arec. are; ared. is; is


all substances, _solid, liquids or gases, are made up of entirely whether they b. whetherc. whether are they d.

whether are

选b。本题考查省略用法。whether (they are) solid, liquids or gases。14.—look! here __

oh, yes, here __a. the bus comesit comesb. comes the buscomes it

c. does the bus comedoes it comed. comes the busit comes


15. it is partly __the summer day is longer that everything has a larger time to warm for b. that c.

the reason d. because选d。强调句型中的原因状语从句只能用because引导。


a. what b. which c. it d.×

选c。it (=the us/uk war) caused是定语从句修饰the suffering。

17.—yangyang carried off the first winter olympic __medal for china.—great!

what __she won for our motherland!a. golden; honourb.

gold; honorc. golden; honorsd. gold; honors

选b。根据句意可以知道,第一空"金牌"意思为"含金之物",应用gold作定语,而golden为比喻性形容词,意思为"金色的"。例如golden rice"金黄色的稻子";第二空honor在此意思为"荣誉,光荣",是不可数名词。

18. some of the students h**e already learned enough english to __a conversation with anative english speaker.

a. hold onb. keep onc. go ond. carry on

选d。选项a、b、c三个动词短语都表示"继续"之意,与题干中名词a conversation with a native english speaker构成短语,不符句意。19.

—_mr smith __this week?


no. he is on holiday.

a. has; worked b. does; workc. did; work d. is; working

选d。根据答句he is on holiday.说明动作处于正在进行状态,而不是完成性的、过去发生的或经常性的动作,故排除选项a、b、c,选用现在进行时。

20.—got your driving license?

no. i __too busy to h**e enough practice, so i didn’t takethe driving test last week.

a. wasb. amc. h**e beend. had been

选d。问句中got your driving license?为h**e you got your driving license?

现在完成时的省略表达,该句对选项无影响。决定选项动词时态的是答句中so i didn’t take the driving test last week.分析句意可知,选项动作发生在后一动作之前,表示过去的过去,故应用过去完成时。


高考英语选择题突破 15

十五。1.may i take your order?yes,i d like a cup of coffee,a hot dog and some salad.what about you,lisa?a.me too b.same again,please c.it s all the same ...

高考英语选择题突破 15

十五。1.may i take your order?yes,i d like a cup of coffee,a hot dog and some salad.what about you,lisa?a.me toob.same again,pleasec.it s all the same to...


2012 年高考英语选择题满分技巧再次重申 英语绝不是记忆的文科,在。答题的角度上,和数学一样,运用的是我们的客观性思维。下文通过六个小。节讲清楚了 当然,在学习数学选择题答题法则的过程中,也确实有不长脑。子的同学说,为什幺不告诉他具体的答题方法?针对同学们第一懒 第二不。愿意总结归纳的特点,今天我...