高考英语选择题突破 15

发布 2021-02-22 06:07:28 阅读 2990

十五。1.—may i take your order?

yes, i’d like a cup of coffee, a hot dog and some salad. what about you, lisa?—_

a. me toob. same again, pleasec. it’s all the same to med. the same to me

选b。same again, please.表示“请同样的再来一份”。

2.—how many students are going to the great wall?—_

a. none b. no one c. nod. not any

选a。回答how many的提问,英语中常用none表示“一个也没有”;回答who is...的提问,英语中常用no one,表示“一个也没有”。

came home after midnight, and __he was drunk. that made his parents very what is moreb. on the other handc.

in my opiniond. in another word

选a。what’s more常用作插入语,意为“更有甚者;而且”。

4. he did better in the exam not only than __in her own class but also than __in any other studentany studentb. anybodyanybody

c. anybodyanybody elsed. the otherothers

选c。前空表示“两者中较的一个”要加the,后空是“越就越”的句型。 theory he had stuck __to be true.

a. proved b. to proving c.

to prove d. to proved选d。一看这四个选项认为是不定式后接动词原形,其实hehadstuckto是充当后置定语,stickto(坚持)为一个固定搭配,去掉这个定语从句后,我们可以很清楚地发现整个句子缺少了谓语动词,定语从句时态为过去完成时,所以主句谓语动词应该过去式。

6.—tell me something about your adventure in the forest, please.

we lost our way in the forest and __matters worse was __night began to whatthatb. itthat

c. itbecaused. whatbecause


7. he was chosenof the company.

a. manager b. a manager c. the manager d. as a manager

选a。在作为主语补足语和宾语补足语的表示独一无二的官衔或职务的名词前,一般不要用冠词。8.—you __stop me.

even if you __it, i won’t allow you to do not do b. maydare not doc. candare to do do选d。


will h**e begun to do the work __3 o’clock this by b. at c. after d. before

选a。句中will h**e begun提供了一个关键的解题线索,表明应该表示“将来截止时间”的介词,在本题中只有by有这种用法。


is too thin. she __gain some weight but she __too would; ate b. will; eat c.

would; eats d. will; ate选c。根据第一句she is too thin所给的信息可以知道,“她瘦”是客观事实,所以“吃得少”也是客观事实,因此用陈述语气的eats。

那么“体重增加”则应该是一种假设(注意句中的转折连词but),所以第一个空要填would。本句可以理解为其后面省略了一个条件从句if she ate more。

provided b. unless c. though d. until

选a。provided在这里用作连词,相当于if,引导一个条件状语从句。 child came back __from a dangerous safely and sound b.

safely and soundlyc. safe and sound d. soundly and safe

选c。本题考查形容词短语作状语的用法,safe and sound意思是“安然无恙”。 high time that we __home and __supper goh**eb.

wenthadc. goshould h**e d. wentto h**e

选b。该句型中的谓语动词用“过去式”或“should +动词原形”,should不能省略! man used toup early had his leg getting b.

get c. got d. h**e got

选a。used to getting up early是形容词短语作定语修饰the man。有些学生受思维定势的影响错误把usedtogetup看作是定语从句,但没有关系代词who。

有的同学把它看承是谓语,但本句已经有谓语hadhis leg broken,所以前面部分不可能是谓语,只能用作定语。

must keep the news a secret and don’t put it __anybody in possession of b. in the possession ofc. in charge of d.

in the charge of


got up earlyto catch the to hope b. hoping c. hope d.


选b。to catch the train是目的状语,hope是伴随状语。 there a cinema around __i can see a film?

a. that b. which c.

where d. what


故此定语从句缺点好了地点状语,答案为c。17. -what do you think of the film we saw last night?

---i feel __that the film is well worth seeing once strong b. strongly c. hardly d. bad


i feel strongly that意思是“我坚信”。18water to grow is that trees need b. these trees needc.

that tree needs d. trees need


that trees need water to grow是一个主语从句,放在句子的开头,引导词that不能省略。 said that the old lady died

a. happily b. happy c. happiness d. of happiness



作表语。类似的动词有:come, go , lie, stand, rise, fall, le**e, sit, return, die等。

began tobecause every means __tried lose heart; has been b. lose heart; had beenc. lose his heart; was d.

lose his heart; had选b。try发生在began之前,所以用过去完成时。loseheart意思是“灰心,失去信心”;而loseone’sheartto意思是“爱上某人”。


高考英语选择题突破 15

十五。1.may i take your order?yes,i d like a cup of coffee,a hot dog and some salad.what about you,lisa?a.me too b.same again,please c.it s all the same ...

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