高考英语作文提分技巧 换词法详解

发布 2021-02-21 02:59:28 阅读 4061



如果刚刚写完一句话,然后想解释一下,那么你要用到的是“解释过渡词”:now, in addition, for, in this case, furthermore, in fact ,这类过渡词能够有效增加语句的说服力,同时增加文章字数。事实上,英语本身就是一种“解释型语言”(汉语是一种“定义型语言”),解释过渡词用得好不好,直接体现了你的英语硬实力!

1)the problem, in this case, is hard to solve.

2)furthermore, several people telephoned the same night.




the **erage family income in our kangming city increased from 8,000 yuan per year in 1998 to 20,000 yuan in the meantime, the structure of the **erage family expenses has changed, too. these graphs show the change clearly.


recently, we h**e made a survey of the people on physical training. only 35 percent of the people surveyed h**e taken part in physical activities.


如果你说完一个道理,感觉表达的不完整,想要强调一下,那么你应该使用“强调过渡词”,如:certainly, indeed, above all, surely, most important

1)indeed, a dessert is always enjoyable.

2)above all, do not build an open fire in a forest.


but, however, although, though, yet, except for 】

1)yet there was still a chance that he would win.

2)except for one girl, all the hikers returned.


for example, for instance, thus, such, next 】

1)for instance, a telegram often costs more than a telephone call.

2)thus the trip finally began.


in addition,furthermore,also,moreover,yet 】

1)in addition, the tour stops in vancouver.

2)furthermore, the time for registration has been extended.


first, second, third, afterward(s)(后来), meanwhile(几乎同时), thereafter (在那以后), last, finally, eventually(终于) 】

1)first, you mail in an application. second, you ask for an appointment. third, you send them three personal references.

2)then you come to a traffic light and turn right.


like, in the same way, similarly, equally important, too 】

1)in the same way, we look for a good doctor.

2)similarly, the thais enjoy spicy foods.


unlike, in contrast, whereas, on the other hand, instead 】

1)in contrast, the red fluid does not lose its color.

2)the husband wanted a boy, whereas the wife wanted a girl.





换词**。like → be fond of/be crazy about/delight in/rejoice in

take pleasure in/appreciate/

all + 名词复数(如students)→ every single student 【注意名词单复数变化】

think about/consider → take into account

want to do sth → intend to do sth/tend to do sth

be inclined to do sth./ be longing for doing sth./be thirst for doing sth

more and more+n. →n.+in /growing/increasing


more and more +adj (如important) →increasingly important

most+n.(如student) →an overwhelmingly majority of

a significant proportion of

a sizable percentage of

not → by no means的不完全倒装句型。

例】by no means shall we give up trying.我们决绝能停止努力。

注】by no means 可以用在“正装”句型中,如:this is by no means a good way to solve the problem. 这绝不是解决问题的最好方法。

should do → be supposed to do

good --excellent

want sth→desire sth. 高级词汇使情感强度更加具体。

but→nevertheless/nonetheless 高级词汇使情感强度更加具体(“尽管如此,但是。

how things h**e changed!(大转折,用于句首,替换but.)

always →consistently /constantly/continually/eternally/perpetually

enough → abundant/adequate/sufficient

important →essential/vital/crucial/fundamental/indispensable

now → nowadays/these days/ recently

really →undoubtedly/absolutely

very → extremely/surprisingly //unusually/excessively


many → a number of/ plenty of/ a multitude of

many+n.+,if not most,+.经典插入语)

20、good friend→ true friend/close friend/constant friend

a friend indeed

big → distinct 清楚的、明显的 (可以加到difference/change等词的前面)



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