
发布 2021-02-20 13:27:28 阅读 7710


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1. a. at home.

b. very late.

c. it was


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6. a. they are very good friends.

b. they work very well. c.

they will go together.

7. a. john can't speak english at all. b. john can't speak english well.

c. john wants to learn to speak english.

8. a. nobody told jack and jane the story yesterday.

b. they wrote down the story yesterday.

c. someone told them the story yesterday.

9. a. sam and ann like watching tvb. ann likes watching tv with sam.

c. sam likes watching tv but ann doesn't.

10. a. jack's father had no ticket to see the film.

b. jack's father didn't want him to go to the cinema.

c. jack's father went to the film with him.




11. what was the weather like when the woman was in paris?

a. it snowed a lot. b. it rained nearly every day. c. there was lot of sunshine.

12. how much is the shirt?

a. $19.15 b. $9.15 c. $9.18

13. what was wrong with tom?

a. he had a bad cough. b. he had a bad cold. c. he had a bad headache.

14. how much is the coat now?

a. 30 yuan. b. 60 yuan. c. 120 yuan.

15. how long h**e paul’s parents been in china?

a. since two years ago. b. since three years ago. c. for only one year.


16. which of the following is not talked about?

a. what the meeting is about. b.

where the meeting will be. c. when mrs brown left home.

17. what will the man do tonight?

a. he will go for a meeting. b. he will work late. c. he will call again later.


18. what is the magazine about?

a. readingb. traffic. c. sports.

19. how long does the woman h**e to finish the magazine?

a. in forty minutes. b. in half an hour. c. in twenty minutes.

20. where is the man going to get off?

a. the largest station. b. the next station. c. the last station.


21. what did the passengers(乘客)think of the conductor at first?

a. they had him as one of the best conductors.

b. they felt he was better than before

c. they thought he was just the same as he used to be.

22. what did the passengers know about the conductor’s past?

a. he wasn’t liked by people on the bus before.

b. he always treated the passengers politely.

c. he often helped the passengers in trouble.

23. why did a man like a teacher ask the conductor’s name?

a. because he wanted to make friends with him.

b. because he wanted to learn from him.

c. because he wanted to write something about him.

24. what did the child’s words show?

a. he mistook the conductor for his father.

b. the conductor, the woman and the child were really from a family.

c. the conductor often played jokes on others.

25. how did the passengers feel after they heard the child’s words?

a. very angry. b. very funny. c. very surprised.


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