“走调儿”具有人唱歌时音不准和乐器音不准两层意思。to go out of tune 的主语为乐器时,指乐器音不准。如果想说人唱歌时音不准,主语不能用人称代词,而要用one's singing。
走调儿”的第一个意思是“人唱歌或唱戏不合调子”,也说“跑调儿”。英语常用 can't carry a tune/to fail to carry a tune来表示。例如:
1. he cannot carry even a ****** tune.
2. none of them could sing in tune.
走调儿”的第二个意思是“乐器的音不准”。英语中多用to go out of tune或 to be out of tune表示。例如:
3. in time a violin goes out of tune, and sounds awful.
音准”的意思是乐器“不走调儿”。英语表达就是 to stay in tune/to be in tune。例如:
4. pianos stay in tune much better than most stringed instruments.
调音”的意思是“把弦乐器调整到合乎规定的恰当音阶”,也称“调弦”。英语表达为 to tune,to tune up,to check the tuning,to key up。例如:
takes skill to tune a piano.
orchestra is tuning up and the concert is about to begin.
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